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Company Details

Jurisdiction: New York
Status: Active
Date of registration: 16 Dec 1987 (37 years ago)
Entity Number: 1187174
ZIP code: 12207
County: Bronx
Place of Formation: New York
Principal Address: 80 BUSINESS DRIVE, SUITE 200, ARMONK, NY, United States, 10504
Address: 80 STATE STREET, ALBANY, NY, United States, 12207

Shares Details

Shares issued 1000

Share Par Value 1


Commercial and government entity program

CAGE number Status Type Established CAGE Update Date CAGE Expiration SAM Expiration
5XR31 Active Non-Manufacturer 2010-03-19 2024-10-16 2024-11-15 2020-11-14

Contact Information

Phone +1 914-273-7979
Fax +1 914-273-7880

Ownership of Offeror Information

Highest Level Owner Information not Available
Immediate Level Owner Information not Available
List of Offerors (0) Information not Available

DOS Process Agent

Name Role Address

Chief Executive Officer

Name Role Address
DENNIS P. DALY Chief Executive Officer 2290 BUTLER PIKE, PLYMOUTH MEETING, PA, United States, 19462


Name Role Address


Start date End date Type Value
2024-12-18 2024-12-18 Shares Share type: PAR VALUE, Number of shares: 1000, Par value: 1
2024-12-16 2024-12-18 Shares Share type: PAR VALUE, Number of shares: 1000, Par value: 1
2024-12-13 2024-12-16 Shares Share type: PAR VALUE, Number of shares: 1000, Par value: 1
2024-12-13 2024-12-13 Shares Share type: PAR VALUE, Number of shares: 1000, Par value: 1
2024-12-11 2024-12-13 Shares Share type: PAR VALUE, Number of shares: 1000, Par value: 1
2024-12-06 2024-12-11 Shares Share type: PAR VALUE, Number of shares: 1000, Par value: 1
2024-12-04 2024-12-06 Shares Share type: PAR VALUE, Number of shares: 1000, Par value: 1
2024-11-16 2024-12-04 Shares Share type: PAR VALUE, Number of shares: 1000, Par value: 1
2024-11-06 2024-11-16 Shares Share type: PAR VALUE, Number of shares: 1000, Par value: 1
2024-11-06 2024-11-06 Shares Share type: PAR VALUE, Number of shares: 1000, Par value: 1


Filing Number Date Filed Type Effective Date
231208001669 2023-12-08 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2023-12-01
211208003032 2021-12-08 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2021-12-08
191202061265 2019-12-02 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2019-12-01
171201006625 2017-12-01 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2017-12-01
151201006127 2015-12-01 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2015-12-01
131202006539 2013-12-02 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2013-12-01
111209002443 2011-12-09 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2011-12-01
091120002666 2009-11-20 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2009-12-01
080418000933 2008-04-18 CERTIFICATE OF CHANGE 2008-04-18
080415002891 2008-04-15 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2007-12-01


Date Inspection Object Address Grade Type Institution Desctiption
2017-06-04 No data MOTT STREET, FROM STREET CANAL STREET TO STREET HESTER STREET No data Street Construction Inspections: CAR Re-Inspect Department of Transportation DCI (DANELLA) steel plates removed & area restored with CONED 2017 ID tags. Last permit M012016321A05 taken for this gas work expired 12/15/16. NOV will be issued to coned for work done/completed without a valid permit.
2017-05-14 No data WEST 51 STREET, FROM STREET 7 AVENUE TO STREET BROADWAY No data Street Construction Inspections: Pick-Up Department of Transportation Closing off 20'X7' of the Roadway with Barricades and Plates, no Permit on file.. S/S West 51st Street 57' West of 7th Avenue
2017-04-19 No data MOTT STREET, FROM STREET CANAL STREET TO STREET HESTER STREET No data Street Construction Inspections: Complaint Department of Transportation steel plates w/o a permit
2017-04-19 No data MOTT STREET, FROM STREET CANAL STREET TO STREET HESTER STREET No data Street Construction Inspections: Pick-Up Department of Transportation 1.) obtain permit for steel plates2.) steel plates loose and noisy when vehicular traffic drives over
2016-12-11 No data FULTON STREET, FROM STREET CLIFF STREET TO STREET PEARL STREET No data Street Construction Inspections: Pick-Up Department of Transportation ATPO I Observed the respondent with the sidewalk fully closed to pedestrians also 11' of the roadway closed without a valid dot permit on file, ID by DANELLA contractors on location doing steam work for ConEd.
2016-11-06 No data FULTON STREET, FROM STREET CLIFF STREET TO STREET PEARL STREET No data Street Construction Inspections: Pick-Up Department of Transportation ATPO I Observed the respondent closing off 11' of the roadway by using barriers without a valid dot permit on file, ID by DANELLA contractors on location also two construction vehicles license # 45108-MH. and 45614-JS
2016-08-30 No data EAST 28 STREET, FROM STREET 5 AVENUE TO STREET MADISON AVENUE No data Street Construction Inspections: Pick-Up Department of Transportation 2 "DCI" marked Steep Plates placed in the Roadway, no Permit on file. N/S East 28th Street 45' East of 5th Avenue
2016-07-24 No data BROADWAY, FROM STREET BEAVER STREET TO STREET STONE STREET No data Street Construction Inspections: CAR Re-Inspect Department of Transportation Steel plate serving no purpose removed. CAR corrected.
2016-07-24 No data BROADWAY, FROM STREET BOWLING GREEN TO STREET STONE STREET No data Street Construction Inspections: CAR Re-Inspect Department of Transportation Steel plated serving no purpose removed. CAR corrected.
2016-06-20 No data BROADWAY, FROM STREET BOWLING GREEN TO STREET STONE STREET No data Street Construction Inspections: Complaint Department of Transportation danella steel plates marked dci is left in the roadway for over a year serving no purpose at all please have someone come pick up this steel plate that is serving no purpose

Issued Violations

Number Adjudicates Phase Disposition Date Fine amount Date fine paid description
TWC-229249 Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings Issued Settled 2024-05-21 2500 2024-06-13 (e) A trade waste vehicle must not be operated unless such vehicle is in safe operating condition and has passed an inspection conducted by a qualified inspector demonstrating compliance with the terms of this section at least once during the preceding six months. (1) Each such inspection must be recorded on an inspection report form prescribed by the Commission. Such inspection report must identify any safety defects discovered during the inspection and cover at a minimum, the following parts and accessories: service and parking brakes, steering mechanism, tires, wheels and rims, side guards, coupling devices, mirrors, lighting devices and reflectors, horn, windshield wipers, and emergency equipment. (2) Following an inspection, such vehicle may not be operated unless a qualified inspector certifies on the inspection report that all necessary repairs have been made and that such vehicle has passed the inspection. (3) Copies of the most recent inspection report must be kept in the corresponding vehicle in accordance with the requirements of subdivision (e) of 17 RCNY ? 7-06.
TWC-228074 Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings Issued Settled 2023-12-07 400 2023-12-13 A trade waste vehicle must not be operated unless the operator of such vehicle is satisfied such vehicle is in safe operating condition. A registrant must require the operator of such vehicle to inspect such vehicle following each day's work and to prepare a daily inspection report that identifies such vehicle and any defect that would affect the safety of operation of the vehicle. Such daily inspection report must cover at a minimum, the following parts and accessories: service and parking brakes, steering mechanism, tires, wheels and rims, side guards, coupling devices, mirrors, lighting devices and reflectors, horn, windshield wipers, and emergency equipment. Copies of such daily inspection reports must be kept in the corresponding vehicle in accordance with the requirements of subdivision (f) of 17 RCNY ? 7-06. The operator of such vehicle must review the most recent daily inspection report and determine whether required repairs have been made when evaluating the condition of such vehicle.
TWC-227561 Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings Issued Settled 2023-09-07 750 2024-05-09 A registrant must maintain copies of all inspection and certification of repair forms required by 17 RCNY ? 7-03(e) for at least five (5) years, and copies of such forms (paper or electronic) must be available in the corresponding vehicles at all times for six (6) months.
TWC-225801 Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings Issued Settled 2023-01-28 400 2023-03-24 A registrant must maintain copies of all inspection and certification of repair forms required by 17 RCNY ? 7-03(e) for at least five (5) years, and copies of such forms (paper or electronic) must be available in the corresponding vehicles at all times for six (6) months.
TWC-219082 Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings Issued Settled 2020-04-14 1000 2020-04-14 Failed to timely notify Commission of a principal
TWC-214551 Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings Issued Settled 2017-01-25 500 2017-02-10 Failure to mark vehicle with name and business address of registrant in letters and figures at least inches in a color contrasting with vehicle color

Date of last update: 06 Jan 2025

Sources: New York Secretary of State