Name: | 33 COMPANY, L.P. |
Jurisdiction: | New York |
Status: | Active |
Date of registration: | 02 Nov 1994 (30 years ago) |
Entity Number: | 1864863 |
ZIP code: | 10604 |
County: | Westchester |
Place of Formation: | New York |
Address: | C/O WALSH & AMICUCCI LLP, 1133 WESTCHESTER AVE STE S-321, WHITE PLAINS, NY, United States, 10604 |
Name | Role | Address |
KAREN WALSH | DOS Process Agent | C/O WALSH & AMICUCCI LLP, 1133 WESTCHESTER AVE STE S-321, WHITE PLAINS, NY, United States, 10604 |
Name | Role |
Start date | End date | Type | Value |
2005-10-31 | 2021-06-07 | Address | SUITE 205, 2900 WESTCHESTER AVENUE, PURCHASE, NY, 10577, USA (Type of address: Registered Agent) |
2005-10-31 | 2021-06-07 | Address | SUITE 205, 2900 WESTCHESTER AVENUE, PURCHASE, NY, 10577, USA (Type of address: Service of Process) |
2000-02-04 | 2005-10-31 | Address | 111 EIGHTH AVENUE, NEW YORK, NY, 10011, USA (Type of address: Registered Agent) |
2000-02-04 | 2005-10-31 | Address | 111 EIGHTH AVENUE, NEW YORK, NY, 10011, USA (Type of address: Service of Process) |
1994-11-02 | 2000-02-04 | Address | 1633 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, NY, 10019, USA (Type of address: Registered Agent) |
1994-11-02 | 2000-02-04 | Address | 1633 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, NY, 10019, USA (Type of address: Service of Process) |
Filing Number | Date Filed | Type | Effective Date |
210607000001 | 2021-06-07 | CERTIFICATE OF AMENDMENT | 2021-06-07 |
051031000452 | 2005-10-31 | CERTIFICATE OF CHANGE | 2005-10-31 |
000204000756 | 2000-02-04 | CERTIFICATE OF CHANGE (BY AGENT) | 2000-02-04 |
950201000240 | 1995-02-01 | AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION | 1995-02-01 |
950201000243 | 1995-02-01 | AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION | 1995-02-01 |
941102000258 | 1994-11-02 | CERTIFICATE OF LIMITED PARTNERSHIP | 1994-11-02 |
Date of last update: 18 Dec 2024
Sources: New York Secretary of State