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Company Details

Jurisdiction: New York
Status: Active
Date of registration: 28 Aug 1995 (29 years ago)
Entity Number: 1951631
ZIP code: 10017
County: New York
Place of Formation: New York
Address: ATTN: DENNIS I. HELLMAN, ESQ., 733 THIRD AVENUE, NEW YORK, NY, United States, 10017
Principal Address: 147 W43RD STREET, NEW YORK, NY, United States, 10036

Shares Details

Shares issued 200

Share Par Value 0


form 5500

Plan Name Plan Year EIN/PN Received Sponsor Total number of participants
HK HOTELS 401(K) P/S PLAN 2022 133850901 2023-04-20 HOTEL CASABLANCA, INC. 55
File View Page
Three-digit plan number (PN) 001
Effective date of plan 2001-04-01
Business code 721110
Sponsor’s telephone number 2128691212
Plan sponsor’s address 147 W 43RD ST, NEW YORK, NY, 10036

Plan administrator’s name and address

Administrator’s EIN 133850901
Plan administrator’s name HOTEL CASABLANCA, INC.
Plan administrator’s address 147 W 43RD ST, NEW YORK, NY, 10036
Administrator’s telephone number 2128691212

Signature of

Role Plan administrator
Date 2023-04-20
Name of individual signing CHRISTOPHER KALLAN
HK HOTELS 401(K) P/S PLAN 2021 133850901 2022-09-06 HOTEL CASABLANCA, INC. 57
File View Page
Three-digit plan number (PN) 001
Effective date of plan 2001-04-01
Business code 721110
Sponsor’s telephone number 2128691212
Plan sponsor’s address 147 W 43RD ST, NEW YORK, NY, 10036

Plan administrator’s name and address

Administrator’s EIN 133850901
Plan administrator’s name HOTEL CASABLANCA, INC.
Plan administrator’s address 147 W 43RD ST, NEW YORK, NY, 10036
Administrator’s telephone number 2128691212

Signature of

Role Plan administrator
Date 2022-09-06
Name of individual signing CHRISTOPHER KALLAN
HK HOTELS 401(K) P/S PLAN 2020 133850901 2021-09-10 HOTEL CASABLANCA, INC. 85
File View Page
Three-digit plan number (PN) 001
Effective date of plan 2001-04-01
Business code 721110
Sponsor’s telephone number 2128691212
Plan sponsor’s address 147 W 43RD ST, NEW YORK, NY, 10036

Plan administrator’s name and address

Administrator’s EIN 133850901
Plan administrator’s name HOTEL CASABLANCA, INC.
Plan administrator’s address 147 W 43RD ST, NEW YORK, NY, 10036
Administrator’s telephone number 2128691212

Signature of

Role Plan administrator
Date 2021-09-10
Name of individual signing CHRISTOPHER KALLAN
HK HOTELS 401(K) P/S PLAN 2019 133850901 2020-06-01 HOTEL CASABLANCA, INC. 87
File View Page
Three-digit plan number (PN) 001
Effective date of plan 2001-04-01
Business code 721110
Sponsor’s telephone number 2128691212
Plan sponsor’s address 147 W 43RD ST, NEW YORK, NY, 10036

Plan administrator’s name and address

Administrator’s EIN 133850901
Plan administrator’s name HOTEL CASABLANCA, INC.
Plan administrator’s address 147 W 43RD ST, NEW YORK, NY, 10036
Administrator’s telephone number 2128691212

Signature of

Role Plan administrator
Date 2020-06-01
Name of individual signing CHRISTOPHER KALLAN
HK HOTELS 401(K) P/S PLAN 2018 133850901 2019-05-23 HOTEL CASABLANCA, INC. 81
File View Page
Three-digit plan number (PN) 001
Effective date of plan 2001-04-01
Business code 721110
Sponsor’s telephone number 2128691212
Plan sponsor’s address 147 W 43RD ST, NEW YORK, NY, 10036

Plan administrator’s name and address

Administrator’s EIN 133850901
Plan administrator’s name HOTEL CASABLANCA, INC.
Plan administrator’s address 147 W 43RD ST, NEW YORK, NY, 10036
Administrator’s telephone number 2128691212

Signature of

Role Plan administrator
Date 2019-05-23
Name of individual signing CHRISTOPHER KALLAN
HK HOTELS 401(K) P/S PLAN 2017 133850901 2018-06-14 HOTEL CASABLANCA, INC. 86
File View Page
Three-digit plan number (PN) 001
Effective date of plan 2001-04-01
Business code 721110
Sponsor’s telephone number 2128691212
Plan sponsor’s address 147 W 43RD ST, NEW YORK, NY, 10036

Plan administrator’s name and address

Administrator’s EIN 133850901
Plan administrator’s name HOTEL CASABLANCA, INC.
Plan administrator’s address 147 W 43RD ST, NEW YORK, NY, 10036
Administrator’s telephone number 2128691212

Signature of

Role Plan administrator
Date 2018-06-14
Name of individual signing CHRISTOPHER KALLAN
HK HOTELS 401(K) P/S PLAN 2016 133850901 2017-06-07 HOTEL CASABLANCA, INC. 93
File View Page
Three-digit plan number (PN) 001
Effective date of plan 2001-04-01
Business code 721110
Sponsor’s telephone number 2128691212
Plan sponsor’s address 147 W 43RD ST, NEW YORK, NY, 10036

Plan administrator’s name and address

Administrator’s EIN 133850901
Plan administrator’s name HOTEL CASABLANCA, INC.
Plan administrator’s address 147 W 43RD ST, NEW YORK, NY, 10036
Administrator’s telephone number 2128691212

Signature of

Role Plan administrator
Date 2017-06-07
Name of individual signing CHRISTOPHER KALLAN
HK HOTELS 401(K) P/S PLAN 2015 133850901 2016-06-02 HOTEL CASABLANCA, INC. 96
File View Page
Three-digit plan number (PN) 001
Effective date of plan 2001-04-01
Business code 721110
Sponsor’s telephone number 2128691212
Plan sponsor’s address 147 W 43RD ST, NEW YORK, NY, 10036

Plan administrator’s name and address

Administrator’s EIN 133850901
Plan administrator’s name HOTEL CASABLANCA, INC.
Plan administrator’s address 147 W 43RD ST, NEW YORK, NY, 10036
Administrator’s telephone number 2128691212

Signature of

Role Plan administrator
Date 2016-06-02
Name of individual signing CHRISTOPHER KALLAN
HK HOTELS 401(K) P/S PLAN 2014 133850901 2015-07-08 HOTEL CASABLANCA, INC. 89
File View Page
Three-digit plan number (PN) 001
Effective date of plan 2001-04-01
Business code 721110
Sponsor’s telephone number 2128691212
Plan sponsor’s address 147 W 43RD ST, NEW YORK, NY, 10036

Plan administrator’s name and address

Administrator’s EIN 133850901
Plan administrator’s name HOTEL CASABLANCA, INC.
Plan administrator’s address 147 W 43RD ST, NEW YORK, NY, 10036
Administrator’s telephone number 2128691212

Signature of

Role Plan administrator
Date 2015-07-08
Name of individual signing CHRISTOPHER KALLAN
HK HOTELS 401(K) P/S PLAN 2013 133850901 2014-06-23 HOTEL CASABLANCA, INC. 88
File View Page
Three-digit plan number (PN) 001
Effective date of plan 2001-04-01
Business code 721110
Sponsor’s telephone number 2128691212
Plan sponsor’s address 147 W 43RD ST, NEW YORK, NY, 10036

Plan administrator’s name and address

Administrator’s EIN 133850901
Plan administrator’s name HOTEL CASABLANCA, INC.
Plan administrator’s address 147 W 43RD ST, NEW YORK, NY, 10036
Administrator’s telephone number 2128691212

Signature of

Role Plan administrator
Date 2014-06-23
Name of individual signing CHRISTOPHER KALLAN

DOS Process Agent

Name Role Address

Chief Executive Officer

Name Role Address
IMRICH HENRY KALLAN Chief Executive Officer HOTEL CASABLANCA, 147 W43RD STREET, NEW YORK, NY, United States, 10036


Number Type Date Last renew date End date Address Description
0343-23-112665 Alcohol sale 2023-01-24 2023-01-24 2025-01-31 147 51 W 43RD STREET, NEW YORK, New York, 10036 Hotel


Start date End date Type Value
2015-08-03 2017-08-01 Address ATTN: DENNIS I. HELLMAN, ESQ., 733 THIRD AVENUE, NEW YORK, NY, 10017, USA (Type of address: Service of Process)
2014-12-02 2015-08-03 Address ATTN: DENNIS I. HELLMAN, ESQ., 733 THIRD AVENUE, NEW YORK, NY, 10017, USA (Type of address: Service of Process)
2013-08-15 2014-12-02 Address C/O HOTEL CASABLANCA, 147 W43RD STREET, NEW YORK, NY, 10036, USA (Type of address: Service of Process)
2004-11-08 2013-08-15 Address C/O HOTEL ELYSEE, 60 E. 54TH ST, NEW YORK, NY, 10022, USA (Type of address: Service of Process)
2004-11-08 2013-08-15 Address HOTEL ELYSEE, 60 E. 54TH ST, NEW YORK, NY, 10022, USA (Type of address: Principal Executive Office)
2004-11-08 2013-08-15 Address C/O HOTEL ELYSEE, 60 E. 54TH ST, NEW YORK, NY, 10022, USA (Type of address: Chief Executive Officer)
1995-08-28 2004-11-08 Address PENTHOUSE SUITE, SIX EAST 45TH STREET, NEW YORK, NY, 10017, USA (Type of address: Service of Process)


Filing Number Date Filed Type Effective Date
200206000407 2020-02-06 CERTIFICATE OF AMENDMENT 2020-02-06
190807060659 2019-08-07 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2019-08-01
170801006341 2017-08-01 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2017-08-01
150803006806 2015-08-03 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2015-08-01
141202000415 2014-12-02 CERTIFICATE OF AMENDMENT 2014-12-02
130815006125 2013-08-15 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2013-08-01
110902002239 2011-09-02 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2011-08-01
070828002961 2007-08-28 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2007-08-01
051028002039 2005-10-28 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2005-08-01
041118000597 2004-11-18 CERTIFICATE OF AMENDMENT 2004-11-18

Paycheck Protection Program

Loan Number Loan Funded Date SBA Origination Office Code Loan Delivery Method Borrower Street Address
5387198607 2021-03-20 0202 PPS 147 W 43rd St # 51 C/O Imrich Henry Kallan, New York, NY, 10036-6575
Loan Status Date 2022-11-18
Loan Status Charged Off
Loan Maturity in Months 39
SBA Guaranty Percentage 100
Loan Approval Amount (at origination) 569758
Loan Approval Amount (current) 569758
Undisbursed Amount 0
Franchise Name -
Lender Location ID 48270
Servicing Lender Name JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association
Servicing Lender Address 1111 Polaris Pkwy, COLUMBUS, OH, 43240-2031
Rural or Urban Indicator U
Hubzone Y
Business Age Description Existing or more than 2 years old
Project Address New York, NEW YORK, NY, 10036-6575
Project Congressional District NY-12
Number of Employees 40
NAICS code 721110
Borrower Race Unanswered
Borrower Ethnicity Unknown/NotStated
Business Type Corporation
Originating Lender ID 48270
Originating Lender Name JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association
Originating Lender Address COLUMBUS, OH
Gender Unanswered
Veteran Unanswered
Forgiveness Amount -
Forgiveness Paid Date -
1597087700 2020-05-01 0202 PPP C/O IMRICH HENRY KALLAN 147-51 West 43rd Street, New York, NY, 10036
Loan Status Date -
Loan Status Exemption 4
Loan Maturity in Months 60
SBA Guaranty Percentage 100
Loan Approval Amount (at origination) 413327
Loan Approval Amount (current) 413327
Undisbursed Amount 0
Franchise Name -
Lender Location ID 48270
Servicing Lender Name JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association
Servicing Lender Address 1111 Polaris Pkwy, COLUMBUS, OH, 43240-2031
Rural or Urban Indicator U
Hubzone N
Business Age Description Existing or more than 2 years old
Project Address New York, NEW YORK, NY, 10036-0001
Project Congressional District NY-12
Number of Employees 400
NAICS code 721110
Borrower Race Unanswered
Borrower Ethnicity Unknown/NotStated
Business Type Corporation
Originating Lender ID 194093
Originating Lender Name JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association
Originating Lender Address CHICAGO, IL
Gender Unanswered
Veteran Unanswered
Forgiveness Amount 233727.62
Forgiveness Paid Date 2021-11-02

Date of last update: 25 Feb 2025

Sources: New York Secretary of State