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Company Details

Jurisdiction: New York
Status: Active
Date of registration: 13 Dec 1995 (29 years ago)
Entity Number: 1981529
ZIP code: 12953
County: Franklin
Place of Formation: New York
Principal Address: 17 JUNCTION RD, MALONE, NY, United States, 12953
Address: PO BOX 355, MALONE, NY, United States, 12953

Shares Details

Shares issued 200

Share Par Value 0


DOS Process Agent

Name Role Address
THE CORPORATION DOS Process Agent PO BOX 355, MALONE, NY, United States, 12953

Chief Executive Officer

Name Role Address
BRUCE MONETTE JR Chief Executive Officer PO BOX 355, MALONE, NY, United States, 12953


Number Type Date Last renew date End date Address Description
714329 Retail grocery store No data No data No data 2568 RT 11, MOOERS, NY, 12958 No data
0081-23-222479 Alcohol sale 2023-01-30 2023-01-30 2026-02-28 2568 RTE 11, MOOERS, New York, 12958 Grocery Store


Start date End date Type Value
2007-12-18 2010-02-17 Address 17 JUNCTION RD, MALONE, NY, 12953, 0355, USA (Type of address: Principal Executive Office)
1997-12-05 2000-01-07 Address PO BOX 355, MALONE, NY, 12953, USA (Type of address: Chief Executive Officer)
1997-12-05 2007-12-18 Address ELM ST RD, MALONE, NY, 12953, USA (Type of address: Principal Executive Office)
1997-12-05 2010-02-17 Address PO BOX 355, MALONE, NY, 12953, USA (Type of address: Service of Process)
1995-12-13 1997-12-05 Address 31 ELM ST., MALONE, NY, 12953, USA (Type of address: Service of Process)


Filing Number Date Filed Type Effective Date
140116002172 2014-01-16 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2013-12-01
120117002333 2012-01-17 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2011-12-01
100217002833 2010-02-17 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2009-12-01
071218002924 2007-12-18 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2007-12-01
060119002884 2006-01-19 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2005-12-01
040226002003 2004-02-26 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2003-12-01
011203002600 2001-12-03 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2001-12-01
000107002306 2000-01-07 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 1999-12-01
971205002213 1997-12-05 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 1997-12-01
961206000141 1996-12-06 CERTIFICATE OF AMENDMENT 1996-12-06


Date Inspection Object Address Grade Type Institution Desctiption
2024-07-24 MOUNTAIN MART 101 2568 RT 11, MOOERS, Clinton, NY, 12958 A Food Inspection Department of Agriculture and Markets No data
2024-06-21 MOUNTAIN MART 101 2568 RT 11, MOOERS, Clinton, NY, 12958 B Food Inspection Department of Agriculture and Markets 06B - 2.6 lbs of packaged bacon has an internal temperatures of 51-60°F. Product discarded by management at time of inspection. The accuracy of the thermometer used was verified that day.
2023-11-20 MOUNTAIN MART 101 2568 RT 11, MOOERS, Clinton, NY, 12958 A Food Inspection Department of Agriculture and Markets No data
2023-09-12 MOUNTAIN MART 101 2568 RT 11, MOOERS, Clinton, NY, 12958 C Food Inspection Department of Agriculture and Markets 04F - 10-15 fresher appearing mouse droppings are present inside the ice cream service area handwash sink cabinet behind drain pipe. - 3-5 live flies noted in kitchen landing on food contact surfaces. - 5-10 fresh appearing mouse droppings are present on a shelf in the loading room above a storage freezer.
2023-07-21 MOUNTAIN MART 101 2568 RT 11, MOOERS, Clinton, NY, 12958 C Food Inspection Department of Agriculture and Markets 09D - Deli sandwich prep unit condensate drainline is blocked and draining water onto the food prep area floor.
2023-03-20 MOUNTAIN MART 101 2568 RT 11, MOOERS, Clinton, NY, 12958 A Food Inspection Department of Agriculture and Markets No data
2023-01-19 MOUNTAIN MART 101 2568 RT 11, MOOERS, Clinton, NY, 12958 C Food Inspection Department of Agriculture and Markets 04A - Area between meat grinder head and unit is missing a seal allowing for a build-up of dried hard scrapable material /older appearing meats residues on food contact surfaces. Condition corrected at time of inspection.
2022-07-08 MOUNTAIN MART 101 2568 RT 11, MOOERS, Clinton, NY, 12958 A Food Inspection Department of Agriculture and Markets No data
2022-03-02 MOUNTAIN MART 101 2568 RT 11, MOOERS, Clinton, NY, 12958 A Food Inspection Department of Agriculture and Markets No data

Paycheck Protection Program

Loan Number Loan Funded Date SBA Origination Office Code Loan Delivery Method Borrower Street Address
7763227110 2020-04-14 0248 PPP P.O. Box 355, MALONE, NY, 12953
Loan Status Date 2021-05-22
Loan Status Paid in Full
Loan Maturity in Months 24
SBA Guaranty Percentage 100
Loan Approval Amount (at origination) 90145
Loan Approval Amount (current) 90145
Undisbursed Amount 0
Franchise Name -
Lender Location ID 56102
Servicing Lender Name KeyBank National Association
Servicing Lender Address 127 Public Sq, CLEVELAND, OH, 44114-1217
Rural or Urban Indicator R
Hubzone N
Business Age Description Unanswered
Project Address MALONE, FRANKLIN, NY, 12953-0001
Project Congressional District NY-21
Number of Employees 24
NAICS code 447110
Borrower Race Unanswered
Borrower Ethnicity Unknown/NotStated
Business Type Subchapter S Corporation
Originating Lender ID 56102
Originating Lender Name KeyBank National Association
Originating Lender Address CLEVELAND, OH
Gender Male Owned
Veteran Unanswered
Forgiveness Amount 91011.87
Forgiveness Paid Date 2021-04-14

Date of last update: 14 Mar 2025

Sources: New York Secretary of State