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Company Details

Jurisdiction: New York
Status: Recorded
Date of registration: 19 Dec 1997 (27 years ago)
Date of dissolution: 19 Dec 1997
Entity Number: 2210532
County: Blank
Place of Formation: Delaware

Contact Details

Phone +1 201-604-1800


Number Status Type Date End date
1163777-DCA Active Business 2013-01-25 2025-01-31

Fine And Fees

Fee Sequence Id Fee type Status Date Amount Description
3591909 RENEWAL INVOICED 2023-02-01 150 Debt Collection Agency Renewal Fee
3286310 RENEWAL INVOICED 2021-01-21 150 Debt Collection Agency Renewal Fee
2985560 RENEWAL INVOICED 2019-02-20 150 Debt Collection Agency Renewal Fee
2539076 RENEWAL INVOICED 2017-01-25 150 Debt Collection Agency Renewal Fee
2285004 LL VIO INVOICED 2016-02-25 13000 LL - License Violation
2090139 RENEWAL INVOICED 2015-05-27 150 Debt Collection Agency Renewal Fee
1258553 RENEWAL INVOICED 2013-01-25 150 Debt Collection Agency Renewal Fee
617434 RENEWAL INVOICED 2010-11-29 150 Debt Collection Agency Renewal Fee
617435 RENEWAL INVOICED 2008-11-20 150 Debt Collection Agency Renewal Fee
617436 CNV_TFEE INVOICED 2008-11-20 3 WT and WH - Transaction Fee

CFPB Complaint

Complaint Id Date Received Issue Product
4915802 2021-11-16 Struggling to pay mortgage Mortgage
Issue Struggling to pay mortgage
Timely Yes
Company Franklin Credit Management Corporation
Product Mortgage
Sub Product Conventional home mortgage
Date Received 2021-11-16
Submitted Via Phone
Company Response Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed N/A
Date Sent To Company 2021-11-16
Consumer Consent Provided N/A
2545426 2017-05-27 Struggling to pay mortgage Mortgage
Issue Struggling to pay mortgage
Timely Yes
Company Franklin Credit Management Corporation
Product Mortgage
Sub Product Other type of mortgage
Date Received 2017-05-27
Submitted Via Web
Company Response Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed N/A
Date Sent To Company 2017-06-05
Complaint What Happened A few years ago I refinanced my home to obtain a lower mortgage payment/rate. At closing I was promised a lower rate, which I signed to. After closing I received documents differ from the ones I signed at closing. 15.99 percent rate is unfair and inhumane. Subsequently I panicked and contacted the lender XXXX XXXX aka Franklin Credit, to remedy the situation. When nothing was done, I optioned to short sale my property. XXXX refused to accept a short sale. Instead demanded my keys. The housing market continued to declined, things got worst before they got better. XXXX XXXX ballooned/shuffled my mortgage and continues to do so. In addition, refused to work with me. They stop at nothing to take my property. I have been harassed multiple times. The banks and servicers come to my property to paste stickers on my gate, which states my property is vacant. Additionally, each time I try to increase my income by renting to tenants, the bank comes on the property to tell my tenants not to pay me. Not before long tenants overstay their leases, destroys my property, and do what they were instructed to do by the servicers and banks. XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX XXXX, attorney XXXX & XXXX XXXX XXXX, and XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX , all of them works as a team, and insists they 'll not work with me, due to the fact I need to be earning XXXX monthly, in order for them to leave me in my home. There is currently a sale date on my property. Currently I am partially XXXX, XXXX XXXX XXXX, with an XXXX XXXX XXXX. I have nowhere to turn to. Nowhere to go if I am placed on the streets. I encouraged everyone to be careful, with mortgage companies. From the get go, they knew their initial intention, were to confiscate my property. In addition, they will prevent you from keeping your property, by ballooning your loan, shuffling your mortgage, subsequently telling you, it 's impossible to stay in your home, because you do not make XXXX XXXX dollars monthly. I have received many conflicting correspondence from the bank and all those involved. When I called the foreclosure department at the court, I am told it 's XXXX XXXX who is foreclosing on my home. However, a few weeks ago I was sent papers stating it 's XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX that 's my bank. Please take a look of XXXX and see how many people have lost their homes, because of the same loan they were given as mine, XXXX XXXX.
Consumer Consent Provided Consent provided
2643417 2017-08-15 Struggling to pay mortgage Mortgage
Issue Struggling to pay mortgage
Timely Yes
Company Franklin Credit Management Corporation
Product Mortgage
Sub Product Conventional home mortgage
Date Received 2017-08-15
Submitted Via Web
Company Response Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed N/A
Date Sent To Company 2017-08-15
Consumer Consent Provided Consent not provided
1060270 2014-10-06 Loan modification,collection,foreclosure Mortgage
Issue Loan modification,collection,foreclosure
Timely Yes
Company Franklin Credit Management Corporation
Product Mortgage
Sub Product Other mortgage
Date Received 2014-10-06
Submitted Via Referral
Company Response Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed No
Date Sent To Company 2014-10-10
Consumer Consent Provided N/A
1568239 2015-09-17 Other Mortgage
Issue Other
Timely Yes
Company Franklin Credit Management Corporation
Product Mortgage
Sub Product Other mortgage
Date Received 2015-09-17
Submitted Via Postal mail
Company Response Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed No
Date Sent To Company 2015-09-22
Company Public Response Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law
Consumer Consent Provided N/A
461534 2013-07-19 Settlement process and costs Mortgage
Tags Older American
Issue Settlement process and costs
Timely Yes
Company Franklin Credit Management Corporation
Product Mortgage
Sub Product Conventional adjustable mortgage (ARM)
Date Received 2013-07-19
Submitted Via Web
Company Response Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed No
Date Sent To Company 2013-09-24
Consumer Consent Provided N/A
636390 2013-12-17 Loan modification,collection,foreclosure Mortgage
Issue Loan modification,collection,foreclosure
Timely Yes
Company Franklin Credit Management Corporation
Product Mortgage
Sub Product Other mortgage
Date Received 2013-12-17
Submitted Via Referral
Company Response Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed No
Date Sent To Company 2013-12-20
Consumer Consent Provided N/A
175173 2012-10-22 Loan modification,collection,foreclosure Mortgage
Issue Loan modification,collection,foreclosure
Timely Yes
Company Franklin Credit Management Corporation
Product Mortgage
Sub Product Conventional fixed mortgage
Date Received 2012-10-22
Submitted Via Phone
Company Response Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed Yes
Date Sent To Company 2012-10-23
Consumer Consent Provided N/A
2198633 2016-11-07 Loan modification,collection,foreclosure Mortgage
Issue Loan modification,collection,foreclosure
Timely Yes
Company Franklin Credit Management Corporation
Product Mortgage
Sub Product Home equity loan or line of credit
Date Received 2016-11-07
Submitted Via Web
Company Response Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed No
Date Sent To Company 2016-11-09
Consumer Consent Provided Consent not provided
33425 2012-03-10 Loan servicing, payments, escrow account Mortgage
Issue Loan servicing, payments, escrow account
Timely Yes
Company Franklin Credit Management Corporation
Product Mortgage
Sub Product Conventional fixed mortgage
Date Received 2012-03-10
Submitted Via Web
Company Response Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed No
Date Sent To Company 2012-06-13
Consumer Consent Provided N/A
5884573 2022-08-16 Struggling to pay mortgage Mortgage
Issue Struggling to pay mortgage
Timely Yes
Company Franklin Credit Management Corporation
Product Mortgage
Sub Product Conventional home mortgage
Date Received 2022-08-16
Submitted Via Web
Company Response Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed N/A
Date Sent To Company 2022-08-16
Complaint What Happened I have been trying for the past 3 year to get this loan modified with XXXX XXXX who is my second mortgage with no luck as they require a substantial down payment which I do not have. This current review was submitted on XX/XX/22 and on XX/XX/22 i was informed that I need to come up with a down payment of {$21000.00} which would have to be paid prior to the auction date of XX/XX/22 which it doesn't give me enough time to try other avenues and only if I am approved. As of today they have not provided me anything in writing as a denial or approval and the auction is 8 business days away.
Consumer Consent Provided Consent provided
3218865 2019-04-22 Struggling to pay mortgage Mortgage
Issue Struggling to pay mortgage
Timely Yes
Company Franklin Credit Management Corporation
Product Mortgage
Sub Product Conventional home mortgage
Date Received 2019-04-22
Submitted Via Web
Company Response Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed N/A
Date Sent To Company 2019-04-25
Consumer Consent Provided Other
2593601 2017-08-02 Trouble during payment process Mortgage
Tags Servicemember
Issue Trouble during payment process
Timely Yes
Company Franklin Credit Management Corporation
Product Mortgage
Sub Product Conventional home mortgage
Date Received 2017-08-02
Submitted Via Web
Company Response Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed N/A
Date Sent To Company 2017-08-02
Complaint What Happened I am not receiving a monthly mortgage statement from Franklin Credit.
Consumer Consent Provided Consent provided
2023232 2016-07-21 Loan modification,collection,foreclosure Mortgage
Issue Loan modification,collection,foreclosure
Timely Yes
Company Franklin Credit Management Corporation
Product Mortgage
Sub Product Home equity loan or line of credit
Date Received 2016-07-21
Submitted Via Web
Company Response Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed No
Date Sent To Company 2016-07-22
Consumer Consent Provided Other

Date of last update: 14 Mar 2025

Sources: New York Secretary of State