Written notification about debt
Debt collection
Issue |
Written notification about debt
Timely |
Company |
R.T.R. Financial Services, Inc.
Product |
Debt collection
Sub Issue |
Didn't receive enough information to verify debt
Sub Product |
Other debt
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Consumer Consent Provided |
Attempts to collect debt not owed
Debt collection
Issue |
Attempts to collect debt not owed
Timely |
Company |
R.T.R. Financial Services, Inc.
Product |
Debt collection
Sub Issue |
Debt is not yours
Sub Product |
I do not know
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Complaint What Happened |
RTR Financial Services at XXXX keep on calling my number and playing the recorded message to give them a call back. I thought it was a fraud then blocked their caller id, however, they continued to leave a voice mail. When I try to call back, they never answer but ask me to leave a voice mail. This seems very shady business.
Consumer Consent Provided |
Consent provided
Written notification about debt
Debt collection
Issue |
Written notification about debt
Timely |
Company |
R.T.R. Financial Services, Inc.
Product |
Debt collection
Sub Issue |
Didn't receive enough information to verify debt
Sub Product |
I do not know
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Consumer Consent Provided |
Consent not provided
Attempts to collect debt not owed
Debt collection
Issue |
Attempts to collect debt not owed
Timely |
Company |
R.T.R. Financial Services, Inc.
Product |
Debt collection
Sub Issue |
Debt is not yours
Sub Product |
Medical debt
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Complaint What Happened |
Hello. I received a letter in XX/XX/2023 from R.T.R Financial Services Inc stating that a debt of {$87.00} is past due to XXXX XXXX XXXX. I was given an option to dispute debt which I did asking them to provide me more information or statement of this debt. On XX/XX/XXXX received another letter stating that R.T.R Financial Services Inc urge you to make full payment at once by remitting the balance due in the enclosed envelope without providing me any statement of this debt which I requested to ensue this debt is owed by me. Further more they started harassing me by placing calls from phone number XXXX.
I think this is not my debt and if it is I need statement of debt information.
This harassment needs to be stopped. My account number listed on the letter received is XXXX.
Consumer Consent Provided |
Consent provided
Written notification about debt
Debt collection
Issue |
Written notification about debt
Timely |
Company |
R.T.R. Financial Services, Inc.
Product |
Debt collection
Sub Issue |
Didn't receive enough information to verify debt
Sub Product |
Medical debt
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Complaint What Happened |
I suddenly received multiple bills from XXXX ( XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX ) AND RTR Financial services Inc. with no explanation of services or dates of service. One very large bill for {$1800.00} was from 7 years ago when my son was in the hospital. I never received that bill or any bills until this year. I finally after several requests got an itemized receipt for that bill. Are companies allowed to suddenly bill you after many years or is there a statute of limitations? Its a financial shock to receive multiple bills in the thousands of dollars at once. I hope the consumer has some rights here!
I also received 3 other bills with no explanation of services or dates. I have called and spoken to the billing department of both companies many many times requesting itemized bills. I did pay one of the bills in the amount of {$440.00} because they did send an explanation of services with corresponding dates and i thought I was responsible. However Im still waiting on itemized bills for a {$640.00} bill and a {$340.00} bill. I have spoken to the companies about a dozen times. I dont want this to affect my credit but I think these companies are operating unjustly. I would appreciate advice and assistance as to my rights. Thank you!
Consumer Consent Provided |
Consent provided
Attempts to collect debt not owed
Debt collection
Issue |
Attempts to collect debt not owed
Timely |
Company |
R.T.R. Financial Services, Inc.
Product |
Debt collection
Sub Issue |
Debt is not yours
Sub Product |
Medical debt
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Consumer Consent Provided |
Communication tactics
Debt collection
Issue |
Communication tactics
Timely |
Company |
R.T.R. Financial Services, Inc.
Product |
Debt collection
Sub Issue |
Used obscene, profane, or other abusive language
Sub Product |
I do not know
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Complaint What Happened |
I received a call today on XXXX at around XXXX p.m. from a young lady who claimed to work for XXXX XXXX. She asked for me by name I'm going to ask her what she wanted she said if she needed to speak with me and I said yes that's me What do you want and she said it's a personal business matter and I said again I've identified myself what do you want and then she said she would just call him back at another time and hung up in my face. So I called them back told the woman who answered and she transferred me to a man who I then told. He took my information he got my phone number and then he asked me for my birthday which I refuse to give him and then he started yelling at me that if I don't provide them with this information that they can't provide me with a reason as to why they're calling. I'm not giving out my personal information to anyone. The fact that I identified myself by name and I answered the phone number that they called me on and then I even called them back to tell them who I was and to ask them why they're calling should have been enough of an indicator that I am the person that they were trying to reach. If they still refused and then to start screaming at me on the phone was absolutely unacceptable. I started yelling back at him and then he hung up on the phone. From my understanding they are required to tell me what they want with me and while I do understand also that they can ask for personal information, I'm not giving out my personal information to any person who I don't know on the phone no matter where they work. And so if these people are wanting to collect money from me, the first thing they're going to have to do is tell me what it is that I owe and otherwise if they're just going to continue calling that's just harassment because now at this point I had XXXX phone calls with these people and I still don't know what they want.
Consumer Consent Provided |
Consent provided
Written notification about debt
Debt collection
Issue |
Written notification about debt
Timely |
Company |
R.T.R. Financial Services, Inc.
Product |
Debt collection
Sub Issue |
Didn't receive enough information to verify debt
Sub Product |
I do not know
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Complaint What Happened |
I received a letter from RTR Financial Services that I owe {$2100.00} to XXXX XXXX XXXX.
The collector did not provide any agreement with their client that grants them the authority to collect on this alleged debt ; an agreement that bears the signature of the alleged debtor wherein agreed to pay the creditor ; Any insurance claims have been made by any creditor regarding this account ; Any Judgments obtained by any creditor regarding this account ; did not provide me with copies of any papers that show I agreed to pay what you say I owe ; proof that the Statute of Limitations has not expired on this account ; proof that you are licensed as a collection agency in the State of New York ; did not provide the name and address of the bonding agent for RTR Financial Services in case legal action becomes necessary.
Moreover, they responded with a bill from the Hospital with the list of procedures. This is a violation of HIPAA. I did not recall giving permission to XXXX XXXX XXXX to release my medical information to a third party. I am aware that the HIPAA does allow for limited information about me but anything more is to only be revealed with the patients authorization. Therefore my request is twofoldvalidation of debt and HIPAA authorization. They did not provide a copy of my signature with the provider of service to release my medical information to you.
Consumer Consent Provided |
Consent provided
False statements or representation
Debt collection
Issue |
False statements or representation
Timely |
Company |
R.T.R. Financial Services, Inc.
Product |
Debt collection
Sub Issue |
Attempted to collect wrong amount
Sub Product |
Medical debt
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Consumer Consent Provided |
Consent not provided
Attempts to collect debt not owed
Debt collection
Issue |
Attempts to collect debt not owed
Timely |
Company |
R.T.R. Financial Services, Inc.
Product |
Debt collection
Sub Issue |
Debt is not yours
Sub Product |
Other debt
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Complaint What Happened |
RTR FINANCIAL Sevices , Inc is clearly in violation of the FRCA and FDCPA. I have receive a letter from them stating I owe a debt, in which I never gave them consent to send me any mails, also never gave them promission to contact me at my place of business, nor to contact me at any location.The stated Statutes are the violations I am reporting to you CREDIT FININACIAL PROTECTION BUREAU for redress and enforcement of law, as I accept your Oaths of Office and bind you to it, when handling such information listed here : Violation 1 ; 15 USC 1692 ( c ) ( a ) states. communication with a consumer generally without the prior consent of the consumer gived directly to the debt collector [ RTR Financial Sevices , Inc ] or the express permission of a court of competent jurisdiction, a debt collecter may not comminunicate with a consumer in connection with the collection of any debt.VIOLATION 2 : 15 USC 1692c ( 3 ) states such debt collector shall not send a comminunication to a consumer eployer place of business in which the debt collector should of checked to see that XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX is listed on the credit report as the Consumers, place of employment, and has a address of XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX New York XXXX as listed on the Department of State of New York Website for any one to view, also the consumer works at another business named XXXX XXXX with that same address as recorded with the XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX in XXXX XXXX XXXX which also can be viewed.they are also in VIOLATION 3 : 15 USC 1692b ( 5 ) which states the use of any language or symbol on any envelop or IN THE CONTENTS OF ANY COMMUNICATION effected by the mails or telegram that indicates that the debt collector is in the debt, collection business pr that the communication relates to the collection of a debt in which they are in clearly in violation of by sending me the letter [ see attached ], further they are also in VIOLATION 4 of 15 USC 1692 ( b ) ( 2 ) the debt collector shall not state that such consumer owes any debt, in which on the letter they sent says I owe {$490.00}. VIOLATION # 5 15 USC 1681 section 602A state I have the right to privacy, as they are not respecting the law and my right to privacy.Also I never gave them consent to use my name or any of my information and do not have any contract with that financial agency. Which is also comitting Identity Theft as they are using unauthorized information without the owners consent.
Consumer Consent Provided |
Consent provided
Attempts to collect debt not owed
Debt collection
Issue |
Attempts to collect debt not owed
Timely |
Company |
R.T.R. Financial Services, Inc.
Product |
Debt collection
Sub Issue |
Debt is not yours
Sub Product |
Other debt
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Complaint What Happened |
RTR Financial Services Inc is in Violation of the FDCPA and FRCA. On XX/XX/23 I recieved another communication from them stating I owe them {$550.00} in which under 15 USC 1692b ( 3 ) states a debt collector shall not communicate with such person more than once unless requested to do so by such person, also their in violation of 15 USC 1692 b ( 2 ) stating the amount of debt to be owed as {$550.00}, Violation of 15 USC 1692 b ( 5 ) which states not to use any language or symbol on any communication effected by the mails or telegram that indicates that the debt collector is in the debt, collection business or that the communication relates to the collection of a debt, also 15 USC 1692c ( 3 ) by Contacting me at my place of employment ( without consent ), also 15 USC 1692 b ( 2 ) which states a debt collector shall not communicate with such person more than once unless requested by such person [ in which I never requested that they send me anything, as this is the second notice sent to me which is a form of harrassment ], as I filed a complaint stating that I do not wish to do business with them, also they are in violation of 15 USC Section 602A which state I have a right to privacy. I also demand that the CFPB enforce the law, as this is my second complaint about this company and under 15 USC 1681m I am entitled to monetary relief in the penal sum of {$1000.00} per violation in which which in this letter there is a total of 5 bringing the amount of relief to {$5000.00} United States Dollars. Once again I have no lawful contract with this company, nor do I consent to them contacting me including at my place of employment or anywhere at all.I authorize the CFPB to use whatever method available to enforce payment to me the consumer for violation of my federally protected rights.
XXXX XXXX XXXX / CONSUMER without recourse [ Please note the address they are mailing is my work address XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX as seen in the attached documents ]
Consumer Consent Provided |
Consent provided
Attempts to collect debt not owed
Debt collection
Tags |
Older American
Issue |
Attempts to collect debt not owed
Timely |
Company |
R.T.R. Financial Services, Inc.
Product |
Debt collection
Sub Issue |
Debt is not yours
Sub Product |
Medical debt
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Consumer Consent Provided |
Threatened to contact someone or share information improperly
Debt collection
Tags |
Older American
Issue |
Threatened to contact someone or share information improperly
Timely |
Company |
R.T.R. Financial Services, Inc.
Product |
Debt collection
Sub Issue |
Contacted you after you asked them to stop
Sub Product |
Medical debt
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Consumer Consent Provided |
False statements or representation
Debt collection
Issue |
False statements or representation
Timely |
Company |
R.T.R. Financial Services, Inc.
Product |
Debt collection
Sub Issue |
Attempted to collect wrong amount
Sub Product |
Medical debt
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Complaint What Happened |
I went to a famous pianist concert on XX/XX/2023 at XXXX XXXX. The concert hall was full with people and there was not enough fresh air circulation. I felt dizzy and I tried to get out from the hall and I XXXX. XXXX XXXX called XXXX XXXXXXXX XXXX-Ambulance. I told to officials at XXXX XXXX that I feel better and I just need a little time to take a rest and get some water. I noticed clearly that I do not want the ambulance because I do not have money to pay the expensive ambulance service fee. Meanwhile, I called to my husband who is a XXXX and he was driving to XXXX XXXX to pick me up.
Nevertheless, the ambulatory people came and they tried to communicate with me. I continuously told them that I can not pay for the service bills so I don't need them. They refused to LEAVE because since XXXX XXXX called them, they suppose to stay next to me. They also refused ME to leave the site. I had NO option to leave the site and refuse them to stay next to me neither. Most importantly, I did not call the ambulatory service and I did not take the ambulatory car.
After a couple of minutes, my husband arrived, and checked my blood pressure. He said everything is fine and we left for home.
A couple of days later, I received a bill from XXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXX-Ambulance with the fee of {$520.00} I called the number on the letter. Overall, it was very hard to get connected with a person who I can talk to. When I finally got connected with a person ( over two months later ), I explained all situation and he said someone at the hospital will contact me regarding my dispute.
I didn't hear back from them for a couple of month, so I thought they waived the fee. I received a letter from R.T.R FINANCIAL SERVIES, INC on XXXX, 2023 that they are trying to collect a debt which was charged from this hospital. I even reached out to R.T. R Financial Services ( telephone : XXXX ) but they didn't answer.
I entirely disagree with the fees that the hospital charged me. 1. I did not call the ambulance service and 2. my refusal about the ambulatory service was denied, and 3. I did not take the ambulance car. Moreover, the hospital reported to the debt collector even before they respond back to my call.
Consumer Consent Provided |
Consent provided
Attempts to collect debt not owed
Debt collection
Issue |
Attempts to collect debt not owed
Timely |
Company |
R.T.R. Financial Services, Inc.
Product |
Debt collection
Sub Issue |
Debt is not yours
Sub Product |
Other debt
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Complaint What Happened |
I am aware that according to article XXXX, the assignment of a defaulted Alleged debt is illegal. Both the assignee and the assigned are both liable for violations under 15 USC 1692 ( e ) ( 12 ). I am not validating any alleged debt with RTR Financial Services and my failure to dispute the validity of these alleged debts shall not be construed as an admission of liability. As of XXXX XX/XX/2022 I have not received any documentary evidence such as a trilateral contract giving RTR Financial Services any right to collect on this alleged debt. I have never received any documentation requesting validation from RTR financial services. If RTR Financial services can not provide me with proof such as a tracking number that they attempted to lawfully validate this alleged debt with me, the consumer, prior to furnishing this on my consumer report, this has been a fraudulently furnished account with forethought and malice as an attempt to bring harm to me and my financial reputation. I am legally refusing to pay this alleged debt pursuant to 15 USC 1692 ( c ) ( c ). I am demanding a cease and desist of all illegal activities, any communication and collection activities of this and any alleged debt until RTR Financial services can provide me with sufficient documentary evidence that I have any legal obligation to pay them. If this documentary evidence can not be produced and RTR Financial services continues its collection efforts, I will file for litigation for actual damages caused and RTR Financial services will be held criminally liable for aggravated identity theft pursuant to 18 USC 1028a, extortion, theft by deception, securities fraud and mail fraud. Upon receipt of the documents herein this notice, you are hereby notified pursuant UCC 1-202f. Your prompt attention and response are both requested and required.
Consumer Consent Provided |
Consent provided
Written notification about debt
Debt collection
Tags |
Issue |
Written notification about debt
Timely |
Company |
R.T.R. Financial Services, Inc.
Product |
Debt collection
Sub Issue |
Didn't receive enough information to verify debt
Sub Product |
Medical debt
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Complaint What Happened |
Sent a letter on XX/XX/2021 " Request for Validation '' of debt and received many phone calls and letters, the latest dated XX/XX/2021 but received on XXXX XXXX
Consumer Consent Provided |
Consent provided
Written notification about debt
Debt collection
Issue |
Written notification about debt
Timely |
Company |
R.T.R. Financial Services, Inc.
Product |
Debt collection
Sub Issue |
Didn't receive enough information to verify debt
Sub Product |
I do not know
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Postal mail
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Consumer Consent Provided |
Attempts to collect debt not owed
Debt collection
Issue |
Attempts to collect debt not owed
Timely |
Company |
R.T.R. Financial Services, Inc.
Product |
Debt collection
Sub Issue |
Debt is not yours
Sub Product |
I do not know
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Consumer Consent Provided |
Consent not provided
Communication tactics
Debt collection
Issue |
Communication tactics
Timely |
Company |
R.T.R. Financial Services, Inc.
Product |
Debt collection
Sub Issue |
Frequent or repeated calls
Sub Product |
Other debt
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Consumer Consent Provided |
Consent not provided
Written notification about debt
Debt collection
Issue |
Written notification about debt
Timely |
Company |
R.T.R. Financial Services, Inc.
Product |
Debt collection
Sub Issue |
Didn't receive enough information to verify debt
Sub Product |
Other debt
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Consumer Consent Provided |
Attempts to collect debt not owed
Debt collection
Issue |
Attempts to collect debt not owed
Timely |
Company |
R.T.R. Financial Services, Inc.
Product |
Debt collection
Sub Issue |
Debt is not yours
Sub Product |
I do not know
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Company Public Response |
Company disputes the facts presented in the complaint
Consumer Consent Provided |
Communication tactics
Debt collection
Issue |
Communication tactics
Timely |
Company |
R.T.R. Financial Services, Inc.
Product |
Debt collection
Sub Issue |
You told them to stop contacting you, but they keep trying
Sub Product |
Medical debt
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with monetary relief
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Complaint What Happened |
I received an initial letter from RTR Financial Services dated XX/XX/XXXX alleging I owed a medical debt. I sent a debt verification letter dated XX/XX/XXXX and received a reply dated XX/XX/XXXX enclosing an " itemized bill '' which showed amounts that did not foot, with a note across the bill saying " This bill is true and correct and each of the items shown hereon was necessarily furnished or supplied and the amounts charged therefore are the fair and reasonable value ''. Due to this bill not totaling to the amounts shown, and it does not look to be a proper bill from the hospital, I replied to this letter. The letter I sent back was dated XX/XX/XXXX ( received by RTR Financial Services on XX/XX/XXXX ), where I stated this reply did not validate the debt, and to also cease ALL contact with me. All contact was to cease via USPS, and via phone calls, specifically stating to not call my cell phone also.
Today, XX/XX/XXXX, I received a call from a RTR Financial Services representative to attempt to explain the debt to me. I told them I do not know what this debt is for, and that I wrote back to them two times about it already and have return receipts to show they received the bill. I also stated that I said to not contact me and this call is a violation of the FDCPA. I stated for their recorded line to not contact me further about this debt.
This complaint is to report the violation of the FDCPA, as shown below : ( c ) Ceasing communication If a consumer notifies a debt collector in writing that the consumer refuses to pay a debt or that the consumer wishes the debt collector to cease further communication with the consumer, the debt collector shall not communicate further with the consumer with respect to such debt, except -- ( 1 ) to advise the consumer that the debt collector 's further efforts are being terminated ; ( 2 ) to notify the consumer that the debt collector or creditor may invoke specified remedies which are ordinarily invoked by such debt collector or creditor ; or ( 3 ) where applicable, to notify the consumer that the debt collector or creditor intends to invoke a specified remedy.
If such notice from the consumer is made by mail, notification shall be complete upon receipt.
The call they made did not meet any of the criteria in numbers 1 - 3 above. The call was to explain the debt to me which violated my do not contact request.
Consumer Consent Provided |
Consent provided
Written notification about debt
Debt collection
Issue |
Written notification about debt
Timely |
Company |
R.T.R. Financial Services, Inc.
Product |
Debt collection
Sub Issue |
Didn't receive enough information to verify debt
Sub Product |
I do not know
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Postal mail
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Company Public Response |
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law
Consumer Consent Provided |
Written notification about debt
Debt collection
Issue |
Written notification about debt
Timely |
Company |
R.T.R. Financial Services, Inc.
Product |
Debt collection
Sub Issue |
Didn't receive enough information to verify debt
Sub Product |
I do not know
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Consumer Consent Provided |
Threatened to contact someone or share information improperly
Debt collection
Issue |
Threatened to contact someone or share information improperly
Timely |
Company |
R.T.R. Financial Services, Inc.
Product |
Debt collection
Sub Issue |
Contacted you after you asked them to stop
Sub Product |
Medical debt
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Consumer Consent Provided |
Consent not provided
Attempts to collect debt not owed
Debt collection
Tags |
Older American
Issue |
Attempts to collect debt not owed
Timely |
Company |
R.T.R. Financial Services, Inc.
Product |
Debt collection
Sub Issue |
Debt is not yours
Sub Product |
Medical debt
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Consumer Consent Provided |
Attempts to collect debt not owed
Debt collection
Issue |
Attempts to collect debt not owed
Timely |
Company |
R.T.R. Financial Services, Inc.
Product |
Debt collection
Sub Issue |
Debt was paid
Sub Product |
Medical debt
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Complaint What Happened |
Hello. I received services from XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX on XX/XX/XXXX. An invoice was received for this service dated XX/XX/XXXX from XXXX XXXX. I paid amount due of {$37.00} as per invoice sent on XXXX
RTR Financial Services Inc started sending me debt collection notices in the beginning of XXXX. I responded them that this bill has been paid on XX/XX/XXXX. Besides sending copy of invoice received from XXXX XXXX for this service and payment details, RTR Financial Service is still harassing me to pay this amount again. I received another notice from RTR Financial Services dated XX/XX/XXXX stating that if payment was not received further collection efforts may be taken to collect this debt.
This harassment needs to be stopped.
I have attached the copy of payment made on XX/XX/XXXX with {$0.00} balance due.
Consumer Consent Provided |
Consent provided
False statements or representation
Debt collection
Issue |
False statements or representation
Timely |
Company |
R.T.R. Financial Services, Inc.
Product |
Debt collection
Sub Issue |
Attempted to collect wrong amount
Sub Product |
Medical debt
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Complaint What Happened |
It's a fraudulent debt collector claiming I owe the XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX ( XXXX ) {$690.00} XXXX XXXX = {$4800.00} because the exact same notice came in XXXX envelopes with consecutive reference # XXXX These notices dated XX/XX/year> are from XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX. XXXXXXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXXXXXX XXXX XXXXXXXX XXXX XXXXXXXX XXXX XXXX I phoned and emailed the notices to the XXXXXXXX XXXX and asked if I owe them. The XXXX XXXX replied that my balance is XXXX because XXXX and XXXX paid all my expenses.
I got the exact same debt collection notice dated XX/XX/year> in XXXX envelopes with XXXX consecutive reference # XXXX from RTR Financial Services Inc. XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXXXXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXXXXXX ) XXXX - and toll free XXXX. This notice said my payment deadline was XX/XX/year>.
This company phoned me in XX/XX/year> to get my Date of Birth. When I refused to give it to them the caller said : " OK then we will remove you from our list. '' So I am surprised to get the same notices from this " other '' debt collector XXXX XXXX.
The XXXX consecutive Ref # XXXX on the notices from both the companies are from XXXX to XXXX.
Consumer Consent Provided |
Consent provided
Written notification about debt
Debt collection
Issue |
Written notification about debt
Timely |
Company |
R.T.R. Financial Services, Inc.
Product |
Debt collection
Sub Issue |
Didn't receive enough information to verify debt
Sub Product |
Medical debt
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Consumer Consent Provided |
Consent not provided
Attempts to collect debt not owed
Debt collection
Issue |
Attempts to collect debt not owed
Timely |
Company |
R.T.R. Financial Services, Inc.
Product |
Debt collection
Sub Issue |
Debt was paid
Sub Product |
Medical debt
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |
Consumer Consent Provided |
Communication tactics
Debt collection
Issue |
Communication tactics
Timely |
Company |
R.T.R. Financial Services, Inc.
Product |
Debt collection
Sub Issue |
Frequent or repeated calls
Sub Product |
Medical debt
Date Received |
Submitted Via |
Company Response |
Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed |
Date Sent To Company |