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Company Details

Jurisdiction: New York
Status: Active
Date of registration: 18 Jun 1999 (26 years ago)
Entity Number: 2390064
ZIP code: 10801
County: Westchester
Place of Formation: New York
Address: 30 CHURCH STREET, SUITE 26, NEW ROCHELLE, NY, United States, 10801

Contact Details

Phone +1 914-636-3404

Shares Details

Shares issued 200

Share Par Value 0


Links between entities

Type Company Name Company Number State

DOS Process Agent

Name Role Address

Chief Executive Officer

Name Role Address
VICENTE J CUEVA Chief Executive Officer 16 DUHAIME RD, PEARL RIVER, NY, United States, 10965


Number Status Type Date End date
1027329-DCA Active Business 2003-01-23 2025-02-28


Start date End date Type Value
2024-02-09 2024-02-09 Address 30 CHURCH STREET, SUITE 26, NEW ROCHELLE, NY, 10801, USA (Type of address: Chief Executive Officer)
2024-02-09 2024-02-09 Address 16 DUHAIME RD, PEARL RIVER, NY, 10965, USA (Type of address: Chief Executive Officer)
2018-06-27 2024-02-09 Address 30 CHURCH STREET, SUITE 26, NEW ROCHELLE, NY, 10801, USA (Type of address: Chief Executive Officer)
2018-06-27 2024-02-09 Address 30 CHURCH STREET, SUITE 26, NEW ROCHELLE, NY, 10801, USA (Type of address: Service of Process)
1999-06-18 2024-02-09 Shares Share type: NO PAR VALUE, Number of shares: 200, Par value: 0
1999-06-18 2018-06-27 Address 270 NORTH AVENUE, SUITE 809, NEW ROCHELLE, NY, 10801, USA (Type of address: Service of Process)


Filing Number Date Filed Type Effective Date
240209002926 2024-02-09 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2024-02-09
180627002060 2018-06-27 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2017-06-01
990618000284 1999-06-18 CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION 1999-06-18

Fine And Fees

Fee Sequence Id Fee type Status Date Amount Description
3572310 TRUSTFUNDHIC INVOICED 2022-12-27 200 Home Improvement Contractor Trust Fund Enrollment Fee
3572311 RENEWAL INVOICED 2022-12-27 100 Home Improvement Contractor License Renewal Fee
3285020 RENEWAL INVOICED 2021-01-19 100 Home Improvement Contractor License Renewal Fee
3285019 TRUSTFUNDHIC INVOICED 2021-01-19 200 Home Improvement Contractor Trust Fund Enrollment Fee
2936797 RENEWAL INVOICED 2018-11-29 100 Home Improvement Contractor License Renewal Fee
2936796 TRUSTFUNDHIC INVOICED 2018-11-29 200 Home Improvement Contractor Trust Fund Enrollment Fee
2539883 TRUSTFUNDHIC INVOICED 2017-01-25 200 Home Improvement Contractor Trust Fund Enrollment Fee
2539884 RENEWAL INVOICED 2017-01-25 100 Home Improvement Contractor License Renewal Fee
1940172 RENEWAL INVOICED 2015-01-14 100 Home Improvement Contractor License Renewal Fee
1940171 TRUSTFUNDHIC INVOICED 2015-01-14 200 Home Improvement Contractor Trust Fund Enrollment Fee

OSHA's Inspections within Industry

Inspection Nr Report ID Date Opened Site Address
345132013 0216000 2020-12-16 21 BRANDON ROAD, YONKERS, NY, 10704
Inspection Type Planned
Scope Complete
Safety/Health Safety
Close Conference 2020-12-16
Emphasis P: FALL, L: FALL
Case Closed 2022-08-09

Violation Items

Citation ID 01001
Citaton Type Serious
Standard Cited 19260102 A01
Issuance Date 2021-06-02
Current Penalty 2294.0
Initial Penalty 3862.0
Final Order 2021-06-28
Nr Instances 1
Nr Exposed 3
Related Event Code (REC) Imminent Danger
Gravity 5
FTA Current Penalty 0.0
Citation text line 29 CFR 1926.102(a)(1): Eye and face protective equipment were not used when machines or operations presented potential eye or face injury from physical, chemical, or radiation agents. A) Exterior, On the roof: Employees were exposed to eye/face injuries while using pneumatic nail guns and were not protected with any type of eye/face protection, on or about December16th, 2020. NOTE: Because abatement of this violation is already documented in the inspection case file, the employer need not submit certification or documentation of abatement for this violation as normally required by 29 CFR 1903.19.
Citation ID 01002
Citaton Type Serious
Standard Cited 19260451 G01
Issuance Date 2021-06-02
Current Penalty 2676.0
Initial Penalty 4505.0
Final Order 2021-06-28
Nr Instances 1
Nr Exposed 1
Related Event Code (REC) Imminent Danger
Gravity 10
FTA Current Penalty 0.0
Citation text line 29 CFR 1926.451(g)(1): Each employee on a scaffold more than 10 feet above a lower level was not protected from falling to that lower level. A) Exterior, Pump jack scaffold on the left side of the structure: An employee was exposed to fall hazards of approximately 22 feet while working on a pump jack scaffold that was not protected by a complete guardrail system (including end rails) or another means of fall protection in place, on or about December 16th, 2020. NOTE: Because abatement of this violation is already documented in the inspection case file, the employer need not submit certification or documentation of abatement for this violation as normally required by 29 CFR 1903.19.
Citation ID 01003
Citaton Type Serious
Standard Cited 19261051 A
Issuance Date 2021-06-02
Current Penalty 2676.0
Initial Penalty 4505.0
Final Order 2021-06-28
Nr Instances 1
Nr Exposed 1
Related Event Code (REC) Imminent Danger
Gravity 10
FTA Current Penalty 0.0
Citation text line 29 CFR 1926.1051(a): A stairway or ladder shall be provided at all personnel points of access where there is a break in elevation of 19 inches (48 cm) or more, and no ramp, runway, sloped embankment, or personnel hoist is provided. A) Exterior, On the scaffold: An employee was exposed to fall hazards of approximately 22 as he was climbing down over the ladder jack scaffold instead of using a separate ladder on or about December 16th, 2020. NOTE: Because abatement of this violation is already documented in the inspection case file, the employer need not submit certification or documentation of abatement for this violation as normally required by 29 CFR 1903.19.
Citation ID 02001
Citaton Type Repeat
Standard Cited 19260501 B13
Issuance Date 2021-06-02
Current Penalty 5354.0
Initial Penalty 9011.0
Final Order 2021-06-28
Nr Instances 2
Nr Exposed 4
Related Event Code (REC) Imminent Danger
Gravity 10
FTA Current Penalty 0.0
Citation text line 29 CFR 1926.501(b)(13): Each employee(s) engaged in residential construction activities 6 feet (1.8 m) or more above lower levels were not protected by guardrail systems, safety net system, or personal fall arrest system, nor were employee(s) provided with an alternative fall protection measure under another provision of paragraph 1926.501 (b): A) Upper Roof of the structure: Employees were exposed to fall hazards of approximately 25 feet while engaged in roofing work on the roof of a structure without a means of fall protection in place, on or about December 16th, 2020. B) Front Porch roof: Employees were exposed to fall hazards of approximately 12 & 25 feet while engaged in roofing work on the roof of a structure without a means of fall protection in place, on or about December 16th, 2020. NOTE: Because abatement of this violation is already documented in the inspection case file, the employer need not submit certification or documentation of abatement for this violation as normally required by 29 CFR 1903.19. Mcleod Brothers, Inc. was previously cited for a violation of this occupational safety and health standard or its equivalent standard (CFR 19100028 B01 I, which was contained in OSHA inspection number 1419634, citation number 1, item number 1 and was affirmed as a final order on August 13th 2019, with respect to a workplace located at 325 Highbrook Avenue in Pelham, NY.
344196340 0216000 2019-07-31 325 HIGHBROOK AVENUE, PELHAM, NY, 10803
Inspection Type Planned
Scope Complete
Safety/Health Safety
Close Conference 2019-07-31
Emphasis L: FALL, P: FALL
Case Closed 2019-08-14

Violation Items

Citation ID 01001
Citaton Type Serious
Standard Cited 19100028 B01 I
Issuance Date 2019-08-02
Current Penalty 2387.0
Initial Penalty 3978.0
Final Order 2019-08-13
Nr Instances 1
Nr Exposed 1
Related Event Code (REC) Imminent Danger
Gravity 10
FTA Current Penalty 0.0
Citation text line 29 CFR 1910.28(b)(1)(i): (1) Unprotected sides and edges. (i) Except as provided elsewhere in this section, the employer must ensure that each employee on a walking-working surface with an unprotected side or edge that is 4 feet (1.2 m) or more above a lower level is protected from falling by one or more of the following: guardrail systems, safety net systems, personal fall arrest systems or any other type of fall protective systems. A) Roof of the structure: An employee was exposed to fall hazards of approximately 29 feet while engaged in roofing work (chimney flashing) on the roof of a structure without a means of fall protection in place, on or about July 31st, 2019.

Date of last update: 31 Mar 2025

Sources: New York Secretary of State