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Company Details

Jurisdiction: New York
Status: Active
Date of registration: 13 Feb 2001 (24 years ago)
Entity Number: 2605770
ZIP code: 50613
County: Albany
Place of Formation: Iowa
Address: 1309 TECHNOLOGY PARKWAY, CEDAR FALLS, IA, United States, 50613
Principal Address: 1309 TECHNOLOGY PKWY, CEDAR FALLS, IA, United States, 50613

DOS Process Agent

Name Role Address
THE CBE GROUP, INC. DOS Process Agent 1309 TECHNOLOGY PARKWAY, CEDAR FALLS, IA, United States, 50613

Chief Executive Officer

Name Role Address
ERICA PARKS Chief Executive Officer 1309 TECHNOLOGY PKWY, CEDAR FALLS, IA, United States, 50613


Number Status Type Date End date
2098876-DCA Active Business 2021-05-24 2025-01-31
2034233-DCA Inactive Business 2016-03-10 2021-01-31
2013779-DCA Inactive Business 2014-09-23 2017-01-31
1466247-DCA Active Business 2013-05-30 2025-01-31
1445226-DCA Inactive Business 2012-08-07 2019-01-31
1295565-DCA Inactive Business 2008-08-13 2017-01-31
1251458-DCA Inactive Business 2007-04-30 2013-01-31
1163049-DCA Inactive Business 2004-03-31 2015-01-31
1080974-DCA Active Business 2001-05-14 2025-01-31


Start date End date Type Value
2025-02-03 2025-02-03 Address 1309 TECHNOLOGY PKWY, CEDAR FALLS, IA, 50613, USA (Type of address: Chief Executive Officer)
2023-02-28 2025-02-03 Address 1309 TECHNOLOGY PKWY, CEDAR FALLS, IA, 50613, USA (Type of address: Chief Executive Officer)
2023-02-28 2023-02-28 Address 1309 TECHNOLOGY PKWY, CEDAR FALLS, IA, 50613, USA (Type of address: Chief Executive Officer)
2023-02-28 2025-02-03 Address 1309 TECHNOLOGY PARKWAY, CEDAR FALLS, IA, 50613, USA (Type of address: Service of Process)
2021-02-10 2023-02-28 Address 1309 TECHNOLOGY PARKWAY, CEDAR FALLS, IA, 50613, USA (Type of address: Service of Process)
2019-02-20 2023-02-28 Address 1309 TECHNOLOGY PKWY, CEDAR FALLS, IA, 50613, USA (Type of address: Chief Executive Officer)
2017-02-01 2021-02-10 Address 1309 TECHNOLOGY PARKWAY, CEDAR FALLS, IA, 50613, USA (Type of address: Service of Process)
2017-02-01 2019-02-20 Address 1309 TECHNOLOGY PKWY, CEDAR FALLS, IA, 50613, USA (Type of address: Chief Executive Officer)
2013-02-20 2017-02-01 Address 1309 TECHNOLOGY PKWY, CEDAR FALLS, IA, 50613, USA (Type of address: Chief Executive Officer)
2011-03-03 2013-02-20 Address 1309 TECHNOLOGY PKWY, CEDAR HILLS, IA, 50613, USA (Type of address: Chief Executive Officer)


Filing Number Date Filed Type Effective Date
250203005796 2025-02-03 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2025-02-03
230228000986 2023-02-28 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2023-02-01
210210060069 2021-02-10 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2021-02-01
190220060168 2019-02-20 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2019-02-01
170201006714 2017-02-01 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2017-02-01
150223006367 2015-02-23 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2015-02-01
130220006233 2013-02-20 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2013-02-01
110303002822 2011-03-03 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2011-02-01
090202003494 2009-02-02 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2009-02-01
070221002734 2007-02-21 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2007-02-01


Start date End date Type Satisafaction Restitution Result
2023-03-03 2023-03-20 Billing Dispute Yes 0.00 Resolved and Consumer Satisfied
2022-02-25 2022-03-07 Misrepresentation Yes 2318.00 Bill Reduced
2019-03-12 2019-03-18 Misrepresentation Yes 0.00 Bill Reduced
2018-08-07 2018-08-15 Billing Dispute Yes 151.00 Bill Reduced
2018-07-24 2018-07-31 Misrepresentation Yes 0.00 Bill Reduced
2018-05-11 2018-05-31 Billing Dispute Yes 434.00 Bill Reduced
2015-07-10 2015-08-20 Breach of Contract Yes 139.00 Bill Reduced
2014-04-09 2014-04-16 Billing Dispute Yes 0.00 Resolved and Consumer Satisfied

Fine And Fees

Fee Sequence Id Fee type Status Date Amount Description
3594061 RENEWAL INVOICED 2023-02-06 150 Debt Collection Agency Renewal Fee
3594065 RENEWAL INVOICED 2023-02-06 150 Debt Collection Agency Renewal Fee
3591831 RENEWAL INVOICED 2023-02-01 150 Debt Collection Agency Renewal Fee
3332322 LICENSE INVOICED 2021-05-21 150 Debt Collection License Fee
3287349 RENEWAL INVOICED 2021-01-25 150 Debt Collection Agency Renewal Fee
3287470 RENEWAL INVOICED 2021-01-25 150 Debt Collection Agency Renewal Fee
2953127 RENEWAL INVOICED 2018-12-28 150 Debt Collection Agency Renewal Fee
2953136 RENEWAL INVOICED 2018-12-28 150 Debt Collection Agency Renewal Fee
2953140 RENEWAL INVOICED 2018-12-28 150 Debt Collection Agency Renewal Fee
2512192 RENEWAL INVOICED 2016-12-14 150 Debt Collection Agency Renewal Fee

CFPB Complaint

Complaint Id Date Received Issue Product
11741771 2025-01-25 Incorrect information on your report Credit reporting or other personal consumer reports
Issue Incorrect information on your report
Timely Yes
Company The CBE Group, Inc.
Product Credit reporting or other personal consumer reports
Sub Issue Account information incorrect
Sub Product Credit reporting
Date Received 2025-01-25
Submitted Via Web
Company Response Closed with non-monetary relief
Consumer Disputed N/A
Date Sent To Company 2025-01-25
10762593 2024-11-11 Trouble using the card Prepaid card
Issue Trouble using the card
Timely Yes
Company The CBE Group, Inc.
Product Prepaid card
Sub Issue Trouble using the card to spend money in a store or online
Sub Product General-purpose prepaid card
Date Received 2024-11-11
Submitted Via Web
Company Response Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed N/A
Date Sent To Company 2024-11-19
Complaint What Happened I never used this card to purchase anything so I dont know why it says I have a debt of XXXX $ from XXXX and I dont know why Im also underage so its no way because they ask for ssn but I dont know my ssn and Im a teen
Consumer Consent Provided Consent provided
11751816 2025-01-24 Problem with a company's investigation into an existing problem Credit reporting or other personal consumer reports
Issue Problem with a company's investigation into an existing problem
Timely Yes
Company The CBE Group, Inc.
Product Credit reporting or other personal consumer reports
Sub Issue Their investigation did not fix an error on your report
Sub Product Credit reporting
Date Received 2025-01-24
Submitted Via Web
Company Response Closed with non-monetary relief
Consumer Disputed N/A
Date Sent To Company 2025-01-24
11111755 2024-12-12 Attempts to collect debt not owed Debt collection
Issue Attempts to collect debt not owed
Timely Yes
Company The CBE Group, Inc.
Product Debt collection
Sub Issue Debt is not yours
Sub Product Telecommunications debt
Date Received 2024-12-12
Submitted Via Web
Company Response Closed with non-monetary relief
Consumer Disputed N/A
Date Sent To Company 2024-12-12
Complaint What Happened I received an email notice from XXXX XXXX on XX/XX/year> that a collections account with THE CBE GROUP INC was added to my XXXX credit report. I then checked my credit report and it said a collections was reported on XX/XX/year> through CBE Group with the original Creditor name being Charter Communication for {$2500.00}. I do not have any overdue bills, have always paid all my bills ahead and have never had accounts with Charter Communication. This is not my account. I have no idea how this got on my credit report but it is not mine. I looked on the XXXX and XXXX XXXX and did not see it on them. I have very good credit and am disputing this through XXXX. What do i do from here? I tried to contact the phone number XXXX for this CBE GROUP and it said my call could not be completed at this time.
Consumer Consent Provided Consent provided
11266476 2024-12-24 Attempts to collect debt not owed Debt collection
Issue Attempts to collect debt not owed
Timely Yes
Company The CBE Group, Inc.
Product Debt collection
Sub Issue Debt is not yours
Sub Product Telecommunications debt
Date Received 2024-12-24
Submitted Via Web
Company Response Closed with non-monetary relief
Consumer Disputed N/A
Date Sent To Company 2024-12-24
11184093 2024-12-17 Communication tactics Debt collection
Tags Older American, Servicemember
Issue Communication tactics
Timely Yes
Company The CBE Group, Inc.
Product Debt collection
Sub Issue Frequent or repeated calls
Sub Product Telecommunications debt
Date Received 2024-12-17
Submitted Via Web
Company Response Closed with non-monetary relief
Consumer Disputed N/A
Date Sent To Company 2024-12-17
11040690 2024-12-05 Attempts to collect debt not owed Debt collection
Issue Attempts to collect debt not owed
Timely Yes
Company The CBE Group, Inc.
Product Debt collection
Sub Issue Debt was result of identity theft
Sub Product Telecommunications debt
Date Received 2024-12-05
Submitted Via Web
Company Response Closed with non-monetary relief
Consumer Disputed N/A
Date Sent To Company 2024-12-05
Consumer Consent Provided Consent not provided
8082845 2023-12-30 Attempts to collect debt not owed Debt collection
Issue Attempts to collect debt not owed
Timely Yes
Company The CBE Group, Inc.
Product Debt collection
Sub Issue Debt is not yours
Sub Product Other debt
Date Received 2023-12-30
Submitted Via Web
Company Response Closed with non-monetary relief
Consumer Disputed N/A
Date Sent To Company 2023-12-30
Complaint What Happened CBE GROUP/CHARTER COMMUNICATIONSXXXX You are in violation of the following subsections of the FCRA ( Fair Credit Reporting Act ) 15 USC 1681. Before I proceed I would like to make it clear to ur company, and those in positions of Authority at your company that congress makes it clear that the banking system is dependent Upon my consumer reports being fair, and accurate to me, Pursuant to 15 USC 1681 ( a ) ( 1 ). Pursuant to 15 USC 1681 ( a ) ( 2 ) congress made clear that you are an elaborate mechanism with no real standing, OR authority. Pursuant to 15 USC 1681 ( a ) ( 3 ) You were not given this role. You assumed this vital role, and because of your ASSUMPTION you have negatively affected my life, and those around me causing me severe hardship, mental stress, and depression. I have been unable to live fairly because of you assuming this role, Pursuant to 15 USC 1681 ( a ) 4 ) You were unfair in reporting this erroneous information without First consulting with me the consumer. You have no proof that this transaction even took place.You were also impartial because you allowed information to be reported while only hearing one side of the story. You also infringed upon my right to privacy by having a conversation about me with a third party, and reporting this information as result of that third party. I am demanding that this information be removed PERMANENTLY soon as possible. Pursuant to 15 USC 1681 ( a ) ( b ) You did not meet the needs of commerce because this was not Fair and equitable to me. This information is non accurate, neither is it relevant to XXXX. Nor was this False information properly utilized in a manner that is or was equitable to me.. Nor was this False informaton properly utilized to a manner that is or was equitabie to me. If This transaction even took place it should've been confidential so you in fact betrayed my confidence. You are in violation of 15 USC 1681a ( d ) ( 2 ) ( A ) ( i ) If this was a factual transaction ( Which you would not know because you were no there ) it would in fact be a transaction that solely took place between me and the person who allegedly made this report. Pursuant to 15 USC 1681s ( d ) ( 2 ) ( a ) ( I ) it should be excluded from my consumer report. Pursuant to 15 uSc 1681a ( 2 ) ( B ) " any authorization or approval of a specific extension of credit directly or indirectly by the issuer of a credit card or similar device '' Should be excluded from a consumer report. The definition of a credit card under 15 us 1681 is the same as it is under 15 USC 1602 ( 1 ) which is " the term " credit card '' means ANY card, plate, coupon book or other credit device existing for the purpose of obtaining, money, property, labor, or services on credit '' Notice, congress said ANY card. The credit card referred to in the following section is my social security card. This is the credit card I used to originate every consumer credit transaction below. They should all be removed from My consumer report pursuant to 15 us 1681a ( 2 ) ( B
Consumer Consent Provided Consent provided
6102070 2022-10-18 Attempts to collect debt not owed Debt collection
Issue Attempts to collect debt not owed
Timely Yes
Company The CBE Group, Inc.
Product Debt collection
Sub Issue Debt is not yours
Sub Product Other debt
Date Received 2022-10-18
Submitted Via Web
Company Response Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed N/A
Date Sent To Company 2022-10-18
Complaint What Happened The initial debt was from XXXX XXXX. Following a contract closure, XXXX wrongly charged me for not returning their equipment, which I actually did ( XXXX Return Tracking Number : XXXX ). I never received this invoice ( and despite my requests afterward ) After several phone calls, XXXX did find the equipment, and admitted it was a mistake from them, but still never canceled the wrong invoice. The 2 last calls to XXXX XXXX were on XX/XX/2022 and on XX/XX/2022. XXXX 's representatives always tell me that it will be handled within 10 days, but nothing is canceled. Worst, they don't have any traces of the previous request. XXXX XXXX sent this wrong invoice to XXXX XXXX debt collector ( + {$26.00} fees ), greatly damaging my credit score. XXXX XXXX finally waived this debt. Then XXXX it to CBE Group debt collector, with even more fees ( + {$47.00} fees ). I'm disputing this debt as well. It is endless and without a 3rd party intervention toward XXXX XXXX I can't solve this issue from which I am solely a victim.
Consumer Consent Provided Consent provided
11018876 2024-12-04 Written notification about debt Debt collection
Issue Written notification about debt
Timely Yes
Company The CBE Group, Inc.
Product Debt collection
Sub Issue Didn't receive notice of right to dispute
Sub Product Other debt
Date Received 2024-12-04
Submitted Via Web
Company Response Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed N/A
Date Sent To Company 2024-12-04
Consumer Consent Provided Consent not provided
3817071 2020-08-27 Took or threatened to take negative or legal action Debt collection
Tags Older American
Issue Took or threatened to take negative or legal action
Timely Yes
Company The CBE Group, Inc.
Product Debt collection
Sub Issue Collected or attempted to collect exempt funds
Sub Product Other debt
Date Received 2020-08-27
Submitted Via Web
Company Response Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed N/A
Date Sent To Company 2020-08-27
Complaint What Happened I recieved two unwanted and annoying phone calls. I informed CBE group that the information on which they were basing the collection was inaccurate and that there was no current debt. I received letters from threatening my credit rating and other adverse actions. I have sent them the following letter.CBE Group XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, IA XXXX Debts Identification NumbersXXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX Dear Sirs : Recently, I received harassing phone calls and letters trying to collect the above debt. It appears you failed to do due diligence and are harassing me about a debt which is no longer valid and has not been for many years. The original billing and request for over payment was for services to Medicare patients through my corporation XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX. The request for overpayment was part of a Medicare audit associated with an investigation by the Office of Inspector General over 15 years ago. The case involves issues of federal and state jurisdiction which are still being litigated. The medical necessity and billing issues you refer to were appealed. You are without grounds in your request for repayment. The statute of limitations on Medicare overpayments was three years and extended under Obama to five years. It is more than a decade since the statute of limitations ran out. Additionally the legally appropriate resolution under Medicare law is that such dates were repaid from future billing. My company is long out of business and I have not billed Medicare in more than a decade. There is no legitimate debt that gives you the right to call me and send me dunning letters. You are operating outside the framework of Medicare law and consumer protection laws by pursuing me for this debt. I am submitting a complaint to the XXXX XXXX XXXX so that you and other collection agencies are made aware of the rule of law and protection of consumers from your predatory practices. Please cease and desist all further collection efforts Sincerely, XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX.
Consumer Consent Provided Consent provided
5213335 2022-02-11 Problem with a credit reporting company's investigation into an existing problem Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports
Issue Problem with a credit reporting company's investigation into an existing problem
Timely Yes
Company The CBE Group, Inc.
Product Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports
Sub Issue Was not notified of investigation status or results
Sub Product Credit reporting
Date Received 2022-02-11
Submitted Via Web
Company Response Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed N/A
Date Sent To Company 2022-02-11
Complaint What Happened Per the Fdcpa law section 809 validation of debt, I have no knowledge of the is debt or account, I contacted the credit and CFPB for the Creditor to provide proof. Under the law, the creditor has 30 days to validate or it has to be removed. I have heard nothing in 60 days of proof. I'm asking this account be removed from my credit report or I will be forced to contact the attorney general office of this illegal account and pursue this legally.
Consumer Consent Provided Consent provided
3186783 2019-03-21 Fraud or scam Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports
Issue Fraud or scam
Timely Yes
Company The CBE Group, Inc.
Product Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports
Sub Product Credit repair services
Date Received 2019-03-21
Submitted Via Phone
Company Response Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed N/A
Date Sent To Company 2019-03-27
Consumer Consent Provided N/A
2077002 2016-08-22 Communication tactics Debt collection
Tags Servicemember
Issue Communication tactics
Timely Yes
Company The CBE Group, Inc.
Product Debt collection
Sub Issue Frequent or repeated calls
Sub Product I do not know
Date Received 2016-08-22
Submitted Via Web
Company Response Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed No
Date Sent To Company 2016-08-22
Complaint What Happened This company CBE Group ( I only know the name of the company as I called the number back ) calls 6 times a day from XXXX different numbers. If I answer they hang up, if I do not answer they wo n't leave a message. Finally they called and some one actually spoke. He never indetified himself or the company he was calling from. They wanted me to give them my address, social and birthdate. I did not give the information. I asked several times what this was in reference to, they said they would not tell me unless I gave the above information. XXXX XXXX XXXX and XXXX XXXX XXXX are the numbers they call from.
Consumer Consent Provided Consent provided
3097518 2018-12-11 Written notification about debt Debt collection
Issue Written notification about debt
Timely Yes
Company The CBE Group, Inc.
Product Debt collection
Sub Issue Didn't receive enough information to verify debt
Sub Product I do not know
Date Received 2018-12-11
Submitted Via Web
Company Response Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed N/A
Date Sent To Company 2018-12-11
Consumer Consent Provided Consent not provided
5649587 2022-06-08 Attempts to collect debt not owed Debt collection
Issue Attempts to collect debt not owed
Timely Yes
Company The CBE Group, Inc.
Product Debt collection
Sub Issue Debt is not yours
Sub Product Other debt
Date Received 2022-06-08
Submitted Via Web
Company Response Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed N/A
Date Sent To Company 2022-06-08
Consumer Consent Provided Consent not provided
2791739 2018-01-24 Took or threatened to take negative or legal action Debt collection
Issue Took or threatened to take negative or legal action
Timely Yes
Company The CBE Group, Inc.
Product Debt collection
Sub Issue Threatened or suggested your credit would be damaged
Sub Product Other debt
Date Received 2018-01-24
Submitted Via Web
Company Response Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed N/A
Date Sent To Company 2018-01-24
Complaint What Happened On XX/XX/XXXX, I ordered a cell phone from XXXX XXXX. XXXX offered me a 14 day window to return the phone with no cost. Prior to the 14 day window, I returned the phone without ever activating it. The return was processed and I received a refund on my credit card. I am an XXXX XXXX XXXX customer and do not have any other accounts with XXXX. In or around XX/XX/XXXX, I noticed that I was not receiving text messages from XXXX XXXX users. I contacted XXXX and they informed me that because of an error in their system, even though my phone was returned, they had assigned my phone number and account to a XXXX phone and my texts were getting lost in the system. I was told the issue was resolved. In late XX/XX/XXXX/early XX/XX/XXXX, I received a notice from CBE group, a debt collector, dated XX/XX/XXXX, seeking to collect {$180.00} in charges associated with the XXXX account that I never used. After several calls with XXXX and CBE, the last on XX/XX/XXXX, in which I sought to resolve the issue and asked that CBE purge my personal information from their database since I never owed the debt, I was told that the issue was resolved and that CBE was investigating whether they could remove my sensitive information. I have not yet followed up with CBE but when I last spoke with them they suggested that they would not remove my information which seems like a violation of the FDCPA. On XX/XX/XXXX, I received a letter from XXXX dated XX/XX/XXXX, acknowledging that my debt is {$0.00}, but threatening to report the debt to all major consumer credit bureaus as a " write-off '' and stating that it could damage my credit. I have spent countless hours on this issue and XXXX and CBE should not be allowed to get away with these threats because XXXX has even acknowledged that I never owed a debt because I never activated the phone and returned it within the allowed window of time.
Consumer Consent Provided Consent provided
2724593 2017-11-09 Written notification about debt Debt collection
Issue Written notification about debt
Timely Yes
Company The CBE Group, Inc.
Product Debt collection
Sub Issue Didn't receive enough information to verify debt
Sub Product I do not know
Date Received 2017-11-09
Submitted Via Web
Company Response Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed N/A
Date Sent To Company 2017-11-09
Complaint What Happened This company has reported the alleged collection to all 3 credit reporting agencies without notifying me of the alleged debt. No phone calls, letters etc. I have sent a debt validation letter with zero response yet they are still reporting to the credit reporting agencies.
Consumer Consent Provided Consent provided
2230599 2016-11-30 Communication tactics Debt collection
Issue Communication tactics
Timely Yes
Company The CBE Group, Inc.
Product Debt collection
Sub Issue Frequent or repeated calls
Sub Product Other (i.e. phone, health club, etc.)
Date Received 2016-11-30
Submitted Via Web
Company Response Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed No
Date Sent To Company 2016-11-30
Complaint What Happened I have been receiving calls from CBE group XXXX XXXX XXXX up to 6 times a day on my cell phone and home phone. Almost Everytime I answer they hang up. I spoke with a lady once and I told her to call me back at a certain time because I was at work. They called me back 3 days later and then no one answered when I answered and they hung up. They do n't leave a message. When I ask them to identify themselves and reason for call they say they ca n't without me telling them my name, address and birthday. I called them on XXXX and explained to them what they are doing is harassment and they say they are doing nothing wrong.
Consumer Consent Provided Consent provided
2578977 2017-07-18 Attempts to collect debt not owed Debt collection
Issue Attempts to collect debt not owed
Timely Yes
Company The CBE Group, Inc.
Product Debt collection
Sub Issue Debt is not yours
Sub Product Other debt
Date Received 2017-07-18
Submitted Via Phone
Company Response Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed N/A
Date Sent To Company 2017-07-18
Company Public Response Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response
Consumer Consent Provided N/A
2485709 2017-05-16 Written notification about debt Debt collection
Issue Written notification about debt
Timely Yes
Company The CBE Group, Inc.
Product Debt collection
Sub Issue Didn't receive enough information to verify debt
Sub Product Other debt
Date Received 2017-05-16
Submitted Via Referral
Company Response Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed N/A
Date Sent To Company 2017-05-16
Company Public Response Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response
Consumer Consent Provided N/A
814977 2014-04-18 Communication tactics Debt collection
Issue Communication tactics
Timely Yes
Company The CBE Group, Inc.
Product Debt collection
Sub Issue Frequent or repeated calls
Sub Product I do not know
Date Received 2014-04-18
Submitted Via Web
Company Response Closed with non-monetary relief
Consumer Disputed No
Date Sent To Company 2014-04-18
Consumer Consent Provided N/A
841772 2014-05-07 Cont'd attempts collect debt not owed Debt collection
Issue Cont'd attempts collect debt not owed
Timely Yes
Company The CBE Group, Inc.
Product Debt collection
Sub Issue Debt is not mine
Sub Product I do not know
Date Received 2014-05-07
Submitted Via Web
Company Response Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed No
Date Sent To Company 2014-05-07
Consumer Consent Provided N/A
704616 2014-02-08 Communication tactics Debt collection
Issue Communication tactics
Timely Yes
Company The CBE Group, Inc.
Product Debt collection
Sub Issue Frequent or repeated calls
Sub Product I do not know
Date Received 2014-02-08
Submitted Via Web
Company Response Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed No
Date Sent To Company 2014-02-08
Consumer Consent Provided N/A
1730476 2016-01-06 Disclosure verification of debt Debt collection
Issue Disclosure verification of debt
Timely Yes
Company The CBE Group, Inc.
Product Debt collection
Sub Issue Not given enough info to verify debt
Sub Product Other (i.e. phone, health club, etc.)
Date Received 2016-01-06
Submitted Via Referral
Company Response Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed No
Date Sent To Company 2016-01-11
Consumer Consent Provided N/A
789305 2014-04-02 Communication tactics Debt collection
Tags Servicemember
Issue Communication tactics
Timely Yes
Company The CBE Group, Inc.
Product Debt collection
Sub Issue Frequent or repeated calls
Sub Product Other (i.e. phone, health club, etc.)
Date Received 2014-04-02
Submitted Via Phone
Company Response Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed No
Date Sent To Company 2014-04-07
Consumer Consent Provided N/A
1861186 2016-04-02 Cont'd attempts collect debt not owed Debt collection
Issue Cont'd attempts collect debt not owed
Timely Yes
Company The CBE Group, Inc.
Product Debt collection
Sub Issue Debt is not mine
Sub Product I do not know
Date Received 2016-04-02
Submitted Via Phone
Company Response Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed No
Date Sent To Company 2016-04-02
Consumer Consent Provided N/A
1039113 2014-09-22 Cont'd attempts collect debt not owed Debt collection
Issue Cont'd attempts collect debt not owed
Timely Yes
Company The CBE Group, Inc.
Product Debt collection
Sub Issue Debt is not mine
Sub Product Other (i.e. phone, health club, etc.)
Date Received 2014-09-22
Submitted Via Web
Company Response Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed No
Date Sent To Company 2014-09-22
Consumer Consent Provided N/A
1832025 2016-03-15 Communication tactics Debt collection
Issue Communication tactics
Timely Yes
Company The CBE Group, Inc.
Product Debt collection
Sub Issue Frequent or repeated calls
Sub Product Other (i.e. phone, health club, etc.)
Date Received 2016-03-15
Submitted Via Web
Company Response Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed No
Date Sent To Company 2016-03-15
Consumer Consent Provided Consent not provided
10488793 2024-10-17 Written notification about debt Debt collection
Issue Written notification about debt
Timely Yes
Company The CBE Group, Inc.
Product Debt collection
Sub Issue Didn't receive enough information to verify debt
Sub Product I do not know
Date Received 2024-10-17
Submitted Via Web
Company Response Closed with non-monetary relief
Consumer Disputed N/A
Date Sent To Company 2024-10-17
Consumer Consent Provided Consent not provided
10278895 2024-09-30 Other features, terms, or problems Credit card
Issue Other features, terms, or problems
Timely Yes
Company The CBE Group, Inc.
Product Credit card
Sub Issue Other problem
Sub Product General-purpose credit card or charge card
Date Received 2024-09-30
Submitted Via Web
Company Response Closed with non-monetary relief
Consumer Disputed N/A
Date Sent To Company 2024-09-30
Consumer Consent Provided Consent not provided

Date of last update: 06 Feb 2025

Sources: New York Secretary of State