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Company Details

Jurisdiction: New York
Status: Active
Date of registration: 02 Aug 2002 (22 years ago)
Entity Number: 2796685
ZIP code: 12776
County: Sullivan
Place of Formation: New York
Address: 159 ROCKLAND ROAD, P.O. BOX 220, ROSCOE, NY, United States, 12776

DOS Process Agent

Name Role Address
THE LLC DOS Process Agent 159 ROCKLAND ROAD, P.O. BOX 220, ROSCOE, NY, United States, 12776


Number Type Date Last renew date End date Address Description
0343-23-222689 Alcohol sale 2023-03-30 2023-03-30 2025-04-30 159 ROCKLAND ROAD, ROSCOE, New York, 12776 Hotel


Filing Number Date Filed Type Effective Date
200803060912 2020-08-03 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2020-08-01
180815006088 2018-08-15 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2018-08-01
140804006879 2014-08-04 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2014-08-01
120806006871 2012-08-06 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2012-08-01
100827002137 2010-08-27 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2010-08-01
080729002317 2008-07-29 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2008-08-01
060728002134 2006-07-28 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2006-08-01
040804002507 2004-08-04 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2004-08-01
021018000596 2002-10-18 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION 2002-10-18
021018000586 2002-10-18 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION 2002-10-18


Date Inspection Object Address Grade Type Institution Desctiption
2024-09-09 No data 151 Rockland ROAD, Roscoe Not Critical Violation Food Service Establishment Inspections New York State Department of Health 14A - Insects, rodents present
2023-12-08 No data 151 Rockland ROAD, Roscoe Not Critical Violation Food Service Establishment Inspections New York State Department of Health 8A - Food not protected during storage, preparation, display, transportation and service, from potential sources of contamination (e.g., food uncovered, mislabeled, stored on floor, missing or inadequate sneeze guards, food containers double stacked)
2023-02-10 No data 151 Rockland ROAD, Roscoe Not Critical Violation Food Service Establishment Inspections New York State Department of Health 15C - Premises littered, unnecessary equipment and article present, living quarters no completely separated for food service operations, live animals, birds and pets not excluded
2022-05-06 No data 151 Rockland ROAD, Roscoe Not Critical Violation Food Service Establishment Inspections New York State Department of Health 12D - Toilet facilities inadequate, inconvenient, dirty, in disrepair, toilet paper missing, not self-closing doors, missing hand wash signs
2021-12-28 No data 151 Rockland ROAD, Roscoe Not Critical Violation Food Service Establishment Inspections New York State Department of Health 8A - Food not protected during storage, preparation, display, transportation and service, from potential sources of contamination (e.g., food uncovered, mislabeled, stored on floor, missing or inadequate sneeze guards, food containers double stacked)
2020-11-24 No data 151 Rockland ROAD, Roscoe Not Critical Violation Food Service Establishment Inspections New York State Department of Health 10A - Food (ice) contact surfaces are improperly designed, constructed, installed, located (cracks, open seams, pitted surfaces, tin cans reused, uncleanable or corroded food contact surfaces)
2019-12-20 No data 151 Rockland ROAD, Roscoe Not Critical Violation Food Service Establishment Inspections New York State Department of Health 8C - Improper use and storage of clean, sanitized equipment and utensils
2018-11-19 No data 151 Rockland ROAD, Roscoe Not Critical Violation Food Service Establishment Inspections New York State Department of Health 8A - Food not protected during storage, preparation, display, transportation and service, from potential sources of contamination (e.g., food uncovered, mislabeled, stored on floor, missing or inadequate sneeze guards, food containers double stacked)
2017-02-24 No data 151 Rockland ROAD, Roscoe Critical Violation Food Service Establishment Inspections New York State Department of Health 7F - Precooked, refrigerated potentially hazardous food is not reheated to 165°F or above within two hours.
2016-09-20 No data 151 Rockland ROAD, Roscoe Not Critical Violation Food Service Establishment Inspections New York State Department of Health 10A - Food (ice) contact surfaces are improperly designed, constructed, installed, located (cracks, open seams, pitted surfaces, tin cans reused, uncleanable or corroded food contact surfaces)

Date of last update: 16 Dec 2024

Sources: New York Secretary of State