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Company Details

Jurisdiction: New York
Status: Inactive
Date of registration: 18 Apr 1910 (115 years ago)
Date of dissolution: 24 Jan 2000
Entity Number: 29536
ZIP code: 12207
County: Albany
Place of Formation: New York
Address: 11 NORTH PEARL ST. SUITE 1200, ALBANY, NY, United States, 12207
Principal Address: 1062 CENTRAL AVE, ALBANY, NY, United States, 12205

Shares Details

Shares issued 0

Share Par Value 200000

Type CAP

Chief Executive Officer

Name Role Address
E.J. ECKERT JR Chief Executive Officer 1062 CENTRAL AVE, ALBANY, NY, United States, 12205

DOS Process Agent

Name Role Address
BREAKELL & COUCH, P.C. DOS Process Agent 11 NORTH PEARL ST. SUITE 1200, ALBANY, NY, United States, 12207


Start date End date Type Value
1996-04-25 1999-05-10 Address 1062 CENTRAL AVE, ALBANY, NY, 12205, USA (Type of address: Service of Process)
1979-02-27 1996-04-25 Address 1062 CENTRAL AVE., ALBANY, NY, 12205, USA (Type of address: Service of Process)
1967-10-27 1979-02-27 Address 9 ELK ST., ALBANY, NY, 12207, USA (Type of address: Service of Process)
1950-01-30 1996-07-12 Name A.J. ECKERT COMPANY, INC.
1948-02-17 1954-12-20 Shares Share type: CAP, Number of shares: 0, Par value: 100000
1922-12-29 1948-02-17 Shares Share type: CAP, Number of shares: 0, Par value: 25000
1910-04-18 1950-01-30 Name A.J. ECKERT COMPANY
1910-04-18 1922-12-29 Shares Share type: CAP, Number of shares: 0, Par value: 5000


Filing Number Date Filed Type Effective Date
20090402019 2009-04-02 ASSUMED NAME CORP INITIAL FILING 2009-04-02
000124001358 2000-01-24 CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION 2000-01-24
990510000680 1999-05-10 CERTIFICATE OF CHANGE 1999-05-10
980407002124 1998-04-07 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 1998-04-01
960712000485 1996-07-12 CERTIFICATE OF AMENDMENT 1996-07-12
960425002654 1996-04-25 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 1996-04-01
000044002475 1993-08-30 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 1993-04-01
930223002946 1993-02-23 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 1992-04-01
A555069-3 1979-02-27 CERTIFICATE OF AMENDMENT 1979-02-27
880669-4 1971-01-08 CERTIFICATE OF MERGER 1971-01-08

Date of last update: 22 Dec 2024

Sources: New York Secretary of State