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Company Details

Jurisdiction: New York
Status: Active
Date of registration: 04 Oct 2004 (20 years ago)
Entity Number: 3109447
ZIP code: 07405
County: Sullivan
Place of Formation: New York
Address: 49 LINCOLN ROAD, BUTLER, NJ, United States, 07405

DOS Process Agent

Name Role Address
JERRY BELLO, JR. DOS Process Agent 49 LINCOLN ROAD, BUTLER, NJ, United States, 07405


Start date End date Type Value
2004-10-04 2006-10-10 Address 49 LINCOLN ROAD, BUTLER, NJ, 07405, USA (Type of address: Service of Process)


Filing Number Date Filed Type Effective Date
061010002285 2006-10-10 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2006-10-01
041206000649 2004-12-06 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION 2004-12-06
041206000650 2004-12-06 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION 2004-12-06
041004000099 2004-10-04 ARTICLES OF ORGANIZATION 2004-10-04


Date Inspection Object Address Grade Type Institution Desctiption
2023-03-17 No data 710 E 217TH ST, Bronx, BRONX, NY, 10467 Closed Inspectorate of the Department of Consumer and Workers' Rights Protection Department of Consumer and Worker Protection No data
2022-12-23 No data 710 E 217TH ST, Bronx, BRONX, NY, 10467 Closed Inspectorate of the Department of Consumer and Workers' Rights Protection Department of Consumer and Worker Protection No data
2022-04-05 No data 710 E 217TH ST, Bronx, BRONX, NY, 10467 Violation Issued Inspectorate of the Department of Consumer and Workers' Rights Protection Department of Consumer and Worker Protection No data
2022-03-17 No data 710 E 217TH ST, Bronx, BRONX, NY, 10467 Closed Inspectorate of the Department of Consumer and Workers' Rights Protection Department of Consumer and Worker Protection No data
2021-04-09 No data 710 E 217TH ST, Bronx, BRONX, NY, 10467 Violation Issued Inspectorate of the Department of Consumer and Workers' Rights Protection Department of Consumer and Worker Protection No data

Fine And Fees

Fee Sequence Id Fee type Status Date Amount Description
3460873 OL VIO INVOICED 2022-07-06 562.5 OL - Other Violation
3447934 OL VIO CREDITED 2022-05-17 712.5 OL - Other Violation
3436745 OL VIO CREDITED 2022-04-08 712.5 OL - Other Violation
3332092 OL VIO INVOICED 2021-05-20 250 OL - Other Violation
3318536 OL VIO CREDITED 2021-04-15 775 OL - Other Violation
150190 CL VIO INVOICED 2011-12-02 1050 CL - Consumer Law Violation
150191 APPEAL INVOICED 2011-06-03 25 Appeal Filing Fee

Issued Charges

Date Outcome Charge Charge count Counts sellted Counts guilty Counts not guilty
2022-04-05 Pleaded Tax preparer fails to conspicuously post written est. disclosure; or disclosure is posted but does not contain written est. information, or not in English, at public entrance, or in immediate area where consumers are met 1 1 No data No data
2022-04-05 Pleaded Tax preparer fails to post Consumer Bill of Rights sign; or sign is posted but not conspicuously, at public entrance, or area where customers are met, or in English or every language tax preparer uses, or is less than 17 by 11 inches 1 1 No data No data
2021-04-09 Pleaded Tax preparer fails to post Consumer Bill of Rights sign; or sign is posted but not conspicuously, at public entrance, or area where customers are met, or in English or every language tax preparer uses, or is less than 17 by 11 inches 1 1 No data No data
2021-04-09 Pleaded Tax preparer fails to conspicuously post in English at public entrance, or in immediate area where consumers are met, a disclosure stating tax preparer not State Board licensed or NYS Bar member 1 1 No data No data
2021-04-09 Pleaded Tax preparer fails to conspicuously post in English at public entrance, or in immediate area where consumers are met, a disclosure stating tax preparer and taxpayer must sign returns 1 1 No data No data
2021-04-09 Pleaded Tax preparer fails to conspicuously post in English at public entrance, or in immediate area where consumers are met, a disclosure stating taxpayer entitled to copy of tax return. 1 1 No data No data

Date of last update: 15 Dec 2024

Sources: New York Secretary of State