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Company Details

Jurisdiction: New York
Status: Active
Date of registration: 18 Oct 2004 (20 years ago)
Entity Number: 3114576
ZIP code: 77092
County: New York
Place of Formation: Texas
Address: 5450 NW CENTRAL STE 220, HOUSTON, TX, United States, 77092
Principal Address: 5450 NW CENTRAL #220, HOUSTON, TX, United States, 77092

Contact Details

Phone +1 713-590-2740

DOS Process Agent

Name Role Address

Chief Executive Officer

Name Role Address
GREGORY NOWICKI Chief Executive Officer 5450 NW CENTRAL #220, HOUSTON, TX, United States, 77092


Number Status Type Date End date
1192031-DCA Active Business 2005-03-30 2025-01-31


Start date End date Type Value
2024-04-24 2024-04-24 Address 5450 NW CENTRAL / #220, HOUSTON, TX, 77092, USA (Type of address: Chief Executive Officer)
2024-04-24 2024-04-24 Address 5450 NW CENTRAL #220, HOUSTON, TX, 77092, USA (Type of address: Chief Executive Officer)
2020-10-05 2024-04-24 Address 5450 NW CENTRAL STE 220, HOUSTON, TX, 77092, USA (Type of address: Service of Process)
2018-10-01 2020-10-05 Address 5450 NW CENTRAL STE 220, HOUSTON, TX, 77092, USA (Type of address: Service of Process)
2014-10-01 2018-10-01 Address 5450 NW CENTRAL / SUITE 220, HOUSTON, TX, 77092, USA (Type of address: Service of Process)
2014-10-01 2024-04-24 Address 5450 NW CENTRAL / #220, HOUSTON, TX, 77092, USA (Type of address: Chief Executive Officer)
2010-10-20 2014-10-01 Address 5450 NW CENTRAL / #1000, HOUSTON, TX, 77092, USA (Type of address: Principal Executive Office)
2010-10-20 2014-10-01 Address 5450 NW CENTRAL / SUITE 1000, HOUSTON, TX, 77092, USA (Type of address: Service of Process)
2010-10-20 2014-10-01 Address 5450 NW CENTRAL / #1000, HOUSTON, TX, 77092, USA (Type of address: Chief Executive Officer)
2006-09-28 2010-10-20 Address 5450 NW CENTRAL, #1000, HOUSTON, TX, 77092, USA (Type of address: Chief Executive Officer)


Filing Number Date Filed Type Effective Date
240424002105 2024-04-24 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2024-04-24
201005060699 2020-10-05 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2020-10-01
181001007262 2018-10-01 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2018-10-01
161018006118 2016-10-18 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2016-10-01
141001006673 2014-10-01 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2014-10-01
121005006395 2012-10-05 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2012-10-01
101020002730 2010-10-20 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2010-10-01
081017002213 2008-10-17 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2008-10-01
060928002391 2006-09-28 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2006-10-01
041018000132 2004-10-18 APPLICATION OF AUTHORITY 2004-10-18


Start date End date Type Satisafaction Restitution Result
2019-02-28 2019-04-08 Billing Dispute Yes 0.00 Resolved and Consumer Satisfied
2017-09-19 2017-09-28 Billing Dispute Yes 0.00 Resolved and Consumer Satisfied

Fine And Fees

Fee Sequence Id Fee type Status Date Amount Description
3662031 LICENSE INVOICED 2023-06-29 150 Debt Collection License Fee
3570960 RENEWAL INVOICED 2022-12-21 150 Debt Collection Agency Renewal Fee
3283088 RENEWAL INVOICED 2021-01-14 150 Debt Collection Agency Renewal Fee
2943656 RENEWAL INVOICED 2018-12-13 150 Debt Collection Agency Renewal Fee
2518069 RENEWAL INVOICED 2016-12-20 150 Debt Collection Agency Renewal Fee
2501081 LL VIO INVOICED 2016-11-30 12000 LL - License Violation
1940264 RENEWAL INVOICED 2015-01-14 150 Debt Collection Agency Renewal Fee
736635 RENEWAL INVOICED 2013-01-16 150 Debt Collection Agency Renewal Fee
736636 CNV_TFEE INVOICED 2013-01-16 3.740000009536743 WT and WH - Transaction Fee
736637 CNV_TFEE INVOICED 2010-12-06 3 WT and WH - Transaction Fee

CFPB Complaint

Complaint Id Date Received Issue Product
9297955 2024-06-19 Attempts to collect debt not owed Debt collection
Issue Attempts to collect debt not owed
Timely Yes
Company Synergetic Communication Inc
Product Debt collection
Sub Issue Debt was paid
Sub Product I do not know
Date Received 2024-06-19
Submitted Via Web
Company Response Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed N/A
Date Sent To Company 2024-11-27
Complaint What Happened I am writing regarding a concerning matter on my credit file. I have noticed a collection entry from your agency, which I was not previously informed about. Additionally, I have serious doubts about the accuracy of the debt being claimed. According to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, I have the right to request validation of this debt. I kindly request that you provide me with the required validation and take appropriate actions to address this issue.
Consumer Consent Provided Consent provided
9171365 2024-06-04 False statements or representation Debt collection
Issue False statements or representation
Timely Yes
Company Synergetic Communication Inc
Product Debt collection
Sub Issue Attempted to collect wrong amount
Sub Product Medical debt
Date Received 2024-06-04
Submitted Via Web
Company Response Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed N/A
Date Sent To Company 2024-11-27
Complaint What Happened Received a letter in the mail from debt collector for a medical bill. Called company to settle account and pay. Company wanted more money than the debt was. XXXX statement states zero fees and XXXX interest added to date. Escalated and requested to speak with supervisor, that person also unhelpful and refused to negotiate or settle the account for the actual medical bill. Phone call made XX/XX/XXXX medical debt is XXXX dollars. Debt collector is demanding XXXX. This is the only letter received in the mail. XXXX received XX/XX/XXXX.
Consumer Consent Provided Consent provided
5468479 2022-04-20 Problem with a credit reporting company's investigation into an existing problem Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports
Issue Problem with a credit reporting company's investigation into an existing problem
Timely Yes
Company Synergetic Communication Inc
Product Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports
Sub Issue Their investigation did not fix an error on your report
Sub Product Credit reporting
Date Received 2022-04-20
Submitted Via Web
Company Response Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed N/A
Date Sent To Company 2022-05-06
Company Public Response Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law
Complaint What Happened MY RIGHTS ARE BEING VIOLATED!!!!!! Now Im being discriminated against because I am in good faith exercising my rights given to me as a consumer. This is unfair and unlawful. Below are all the violations not including actual damages ECOA ( 15 USC 1691a ) 15USC 1662 15USC 1605a FCRA 605c 12 CFR 226.15 18 USC 894 ( b ) Notice of right to rescind. In any transaction or occurrence subject to rescission, a creditor shall deliver two copies of the notice of the right to rescind to each consumer entitled to rescind ( one copy to each if the notice is delivered in electronic form in accordance with the consumer consent and other applicable provisions of the E-Sign Act ).
Consumer Consent Provided Consent provided
4899642 2021-11-11 Attempts to collect debt not owed Debt collection
Issue Attempts to collect debt not owed
Timely Yes
Company Synergetic Communication Inc
Product Debt collection
Sub Issue Debt is not yours
Sub Product I do not know
Date Received 2021-11-11
Submitted Via Web
Company Response Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed N/A
Date Sent To Company 2021-12-01
Company Public Response Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law
Consumer Consent Provided Consent not provided
2231501 2016-12-01 Disclosure verification of debt Debt collection
Issue Disclosure verification of debt
Timely Yes
Company Synergetic Communication Inc
Product Debt collection
Sub Issue Not given enough info to verify debt
Sub Product Other (i.e. phone, health club, etc.)
Date Received 2016-12-01
Submitted Via Referral
Company Response Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed No
Date Sent To Company 2016-12-02
Company Public Response Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law
Consumer Consent Provided N/A
10475960 2024-10-16 Attempts to collect debt not owed Debt collection
Issue Attempts to collect debt not owed
Timely Yes
Company Synergetic Communication Inc
Product Debt collection
Sub Issue Debt was result of identity theft
Sub Product Rental debt
Date Received 2024-10-16
Submitted Via Web
Company Response Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed N/A
Date Sent To Company 2024-10-22
Consumer Consent Provided Consent not provided
2695735 2017-10-07 Problem with a credit reporting company's investigation into an existing problem Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports
Issue Problem with a credit reporting company's investigation into an existing problem
Timely Yes
Company Synergetic Communication Inc
Product Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports
Sub Issue Investigation took more than 30 days
Sub Product Credit reporting
Date Received 2017-10-07
Submitted Via Web
Company Response Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed N/A
Date Sent To Company 2017-10-07
Company Public Response Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law
Complaint What Happened XXXX has refused, since XXXX XXXX, over 40 documented requests to inform me of its loan final payment calculation. XXXX deliberation audio evidence is available for review and verification.
Consumer Consent Provided Consent provided
9199129 2024-06-06 Communication tactics Debt collection
Issue Communication tactics
Timely Yes
Company Synergetic Communication Inc
Product Debt collection
Sub Issue You told them to stop contacting you, but they keep trying
Sub Product I do not know
Date Received 2024-06-06
Submitted Via Web
Company Response Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed N/A
Date Sent To Company 2024-11-27
Consumer Consent Provided Consent not provided
8177062 2024-01-18 Attempts to collect debt not owed Debt collection
Issue Attempts to collect debt not owed
Timely Yes
Company Synergetic Communication Inc
Product Debt collection
Sub Issue Debt is not yours
Sub Product Other debt
Date Received 2024-01-18
Submitted Via Web
Company Response Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed N/A
Date Sent To Company 2024-01-18
Consumer Consent Provided Consent not provided
8130952 2024-01-09 Communication tactics Debt collection
Issue Communication tactics
Timely No
Company Synergetic Communication Inc
Product Debt collection
Sub Issue Frequent or repeated calls
Sub Product I do not know
Date Received 2024-01-09
Submitted Via Web
Company Response Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed N/A
Date Sent To Company 2024-01-09
Complaint What Happened XXXX called on XX/XX/2024 at XXXX, asking for XXXX XXXX XXXX me ). Spoofed as my current bank asking for last XXXX SSN. They had my information. They have been calling my house phone nonstop asking for me. Picked up today, spoofed as my bank and afraid they stole my identity.
Consumer Consent Provided Consent provided
6673630 2023-03-09 Attempts to collect debt not owed Debt collection
Issue Attempts to collect debt not owed
Timely Yes
Company Synergetic Communication Inc
Product Debt collection
Sub Issue Debt was already discharged in bankruptcy and is no longer owed
Sub Product Credit card debt
Date Received 2023-03-09
Submitted Via Web
Company Response Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed N/A
Date Sent To Company 2023-03-09
Company Public Response Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law
Consumer Consent Provided Consent not provided
748870 2014-03-07 Disclosure verification of debt Debt collection
Issue Disclosure verification of debt
Timely Yes
Company Synergetic Communication Inc
Product Debt collection
Sub Issue Not given enough info to verify debt
Sub Product Other (i.e. phone, health club, etc.)
Date Received 2014-03-07
Submitted Via Referral
Company Response Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed No
Date Sent To Company 2014-03-17
Consumer Consent Provided N/A
4661093 2021-08-25 Took or threatened to take negative or legal action Debt collection
Issue Took or threatened to take negative or legal action
Timely Yes
Company Synergetic Communication Inc
Product Debt collection
Sub Issue Threatened or suggested your credit would be damaged
Sub Product Auto debt
Date Received 2021-08-25
Submitted Via Web
Company Response Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed N/A
Date Sent To Company 2021-08-25
Company Public Response Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law
Complaint What Happened I the consumer original creditor and natural person am being harassed and abused by debt collection attempts by this third party debt collection. Pursuant to federal law this organization never had my consent to contact me and is using false and mis leading representations to collect a debt not owed. Article 1 section 10 of the constitution states debts can only be paid with gold and silver. Farther more attached is my affidavit of truth along with supporting facts of federal violations endured by me the consumer from this debt collection attempts. Also be advised during debt collection attempts my Fourth amendment right also has been violated. I have no contractual agreement with your organization or any parties.
Consumer Consent Provided Consent provided
3524765 2020-02-08 Attempts to collect debt not owed Debt collection
Issue Attempts to collect debt not owed
Timely Yes
Company Synergetic Communication Inc
Product Debt collection
Sub Issue Debt is not yours
Sub Product I do not know
Date Received 2020-02-08
Submitted Via Web
Company Response Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed N/A
Date Sent To Company 2020-02-08
Company Public Response Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law
Complaint What Happened Synergetic Communication, INC. XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, IDXXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX c/o XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX County XXXX XXXX , New York [ XXXX ] U.S.A This Equality of Opportunity is to let the lawful record of The Fair Credit Reporting Act, Section 609 ( a ) ( 1 ) ( A ), reflect that you are required by FEDERAL and STATE LAW to verify through the physical verification of the original signature/ Autograph of consumers contract ( s ) any and all accounts you post on any of my credit report. Otherwise, anyone paying for your reporting services could fax, mail or email in a fraudulent account. FDIC Law, Regulations, Related Acts. https : // USC 1306 . The FTC 's Bureau of Consumer Protection Act ( s ). I demand to see the Verifiable Proof of my original Consumer Contract with my Signature ( s ) on the instrument ( s ) and proof that the so called debt remains with original creditor ( s ) you have on file of the account ( s ) listed. Your failure to positively verify these accounts has hurt my ability to obtain credit. Under the FCRA, unverified accounts must be removed and if you are unable to provide me a copy of verifiable proof, you must remove the account ( s ) listed below or lawful action will be taken. I demand the following accounts be verified and removed immediately. In Addition To This Constructive Acknowledgment Notice I checked my personal credit report which is to remain private and not public, which I acquired from your organization around XX/XX/2020, and I noticed inquiry ( s ) had been made. I contacted the responsible party who conducted the inquiry and asked them to remove their credit inquiry from my Secured Credit Profile. I request that you initiate a solution into taking action and removing it as well In Goodwill And Gesture as pursuant to consumer rights article 7 etc. The inquiry ( s ) on my credit report are not to determine who authorized the inquiry but to remove it from my Secured Credit Profile, once your investigation is complete, you'll find my Affidavit to be filled as the secured party creditor simply in pure truth under the provisions of The ( UCC ) Uniform Commercial Code. ( Active Security Agreement ) DEPT OF STATE. Remove the unauthorized inquiry and send me an updated copy of my credit report at the address listed above. If you find the inquiry referenced above to be valid, please send me a description of the procedures used in your investigation within 10 calendar days of the completion of the requested performance. Sincerely In Pure Truth, Without Prejudice _________________________________________________ XXXX XXXX XXXX, Secured Party Creditor, Authorized Representative, Attorney-In-Fact, in behalf of XXXX XXXX XXXX, Ens legis
Consumer Consent Provided Consent provided
3386651 2019-09-25 Attempts to collect debt not owed Debt collection
Issue Attempts to collect debt not owed
Timely Yes
Company Synergetic Communication Inc
Product Debt collection
Sub Issue Debt was result of identity theft
Sub Product Credit card debt
Date Received 2019-09-25
Submitted Via Web
Company Response Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed N/A
Date Sent To Company 2019-09-25
Company Public Response Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law
Complaint What Happened this account was opened online by someone else I only had two account for this bank and I owed then money so how can I open and new account with owing them money someone stole my identity because im a victim of identity thief I had account before 2019 not in 2019 XX/XX/XXXX XX/XX/XXXX XX/XX/XXXXwith this bank this account wasn not opened in person it was opened online and they lied and said it was opened in the branch and a manager told me someone did it online
Consumer Consent Provided Consent provided
3772217 2020-07-30 Attempts to collect debt not owed Debt collection
Issue Attempts to collect debt not owed
Timely Yes
Company Synergetic Communication Inc
Product Debt collection
Sub Issue Debt is not yours
Sub Product I do not know
Date Received 2020-07-30
Submitted Via Web
Company Response Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed N/A
Date Sent To Company 2020-07-30
Company Public Response Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law
Complaint What Happened XX/XX/2020 After multiple request of complete validations or any proof that i owe this bogus debt not owned by me by multiple companys in the past what was requested by me by certified mail ( have all the proof ) and NO PROOF OF ANY KIND HAS BIN PROVIDED TO ME EVER and again sold to another bottem feeder with no proof what soever trying to claim i owe this debt after 13 years. Do your homework and check all your files i have mine in order. Thers nothing out there it aint mine. SYNERGETIC COMMUNICATIONS, INC is in violation with the FDCPA by illegal and unfair debt practices by collecting in behave of other companys with no proof provided knowing complete validations has bin requested by me in the past. More complaints will be filled with the FTC and XXXX. A COMPLETE FRAUD.
Consumer Consent Provided Consent provided
3846053 2020-09-14 Attempts to collect debt not owed Debt collection
Issue Attempts to collect debt not owed
Timely Yes
Company Synergetic Communication Inc
Product Debt collection
Sub Issue Debt was paid
Sub Product Credit card debt
Date Received 2020-09-14
Submitted Via Web
Company Response Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed N/A
Date Sent To Company 2020-09-14
Company Public Response Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law
Consumer Consent Provided Consent not provided
2569478 2017-07-09 Incorrect information on your report Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports
Issue Incorrect information on your report
Timely Yes
Company Synergetic Communication Inc
Product Credit reporting, credit repair services, or other personal consumer reports
Sub Issue Account information incorrect
Sub Product Credit reporting
Date Received 2017-07-09
Submitted Via Web
Company Response Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed N/A
Date Sent To Company 2017-07-09
Company Public Response Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law
Consumer Consent Provided Consent not provided
3168509 2019-03-04 Written notification about debt Debt collection
Issue Written notification about debt
Timely Yes
Company Synergetic Communication Inc
Product Debt collection
Sub Issue Didn't receive enough information to verify debt
Sub Product Auto debt
Date Received 2019-03-04
Submitted Via Fax
Company Response Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed N/A
Date Sent To Company 2019-03-04
Company Public Response Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law
Consumer Consent Provided N/A
2660100 2017-09-07 Written notification about debt Debt collection
Issue Written notification about debt
Timely Yes
Company Synergetic Communication Inc
Product Debt collection
Sub Issue Didn't receive enough information to verify debt
Sub Product Auto debt
Date Received 2017-09-07
Submitted Via Postal mail
Company Response Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed N/A
Date Sent To Company 2017-09-07
Company Public Response Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law
Consumer Consent Provided N/A
5069997 2022-01-05 Attempts to collect debt not owed Debt collection
Tags Older American
Issue Attempts to collect debt not owed
Timely Yes
Company Synergetic Communication Inc
Product Debt collection
Sub Issue Debt was result of identity theft
Sub Product Credit card debt
Date Received 2022-01-05
Submitted Via Web
Company Response Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed N/A
Date Sent To Company 2022-01-05
Company Public Response Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law
Consumer Consent Provided Consent not provided
2272581 2017-01-03 Disclosure verification of debt Debt collection
Issue Disclosure verification of debt
Timely Yes
Company Synergetic Communication Inc
Product Debt collection
Sub Issue Not given enough info to verify debt
Sub Product Auto
Date Received 2017-01-03
Submitted Via Phone
Company Response Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed No
Date Sent To Company 2017-01-04
Company Public Response Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law
Consumer Consent Provided N/A
11855784 2025-01-30 Communication tactics Debt collection
Issue Communication tactics
Timely Yes
Company Synergetic Communication Inc
Product Debt collection
Sub Issue Called before 8am or after 9pm
Sub Product Credit card debt
Date Received 2025-01-30
Submitted Via Web
Company Response Closed with explanation
Consumer Disputed N/A
Date Sent To Company 2025-01-30

Date of last update: 12 Mar 2025

Sources: New York Secretary of State