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Company Details

Jurisdiction: New York
Status: Active
Date of registration: 04 May 2005 (20 years ago)
Entity Number: 3200201
ZIP code: 11378
County: Queens
Place of Formation: New York
Address: 56-01 NURGE AVENUE, MASPETH, NY, United States, 11378

Links between entities

Type Company Name Company Number State

DOS Process Agent

Name Role Address
THE LLC DOS Process Agent 56-01 NURGE AVENUE, MASPETH, NY, United States, 11378


Start date End date Type Value
2011-05-23 2023-05-02 Address 56-01 NURGE AVENUE, MASPETH, NY, 11378, USA (Type of address: Service of Process)
2007-05-30 2011-05-23 Address 56-01 NURGE AVE, MASPETH, NY, 11378, USA (Type of address: Service of Process)
2005-05-04 2007-05-30 Address 71-02 72ND PLACE, GLENDALE, NY, 11385, USA (Type of address: Service of Process)


Filing Number Date Filed Type Effective Date
230502002927 2023-05-02 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2023-05-01
210518060054 2021-05-18 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2021-05-01
190520060059 2019-05-20 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2019-05-01
170703007169 2017-07-03 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2017-05-01
130516002361 2013-05-16 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2013-05-01
110523002900 2011-05-23 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2011-05-01
090420002657 2009-04-20 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2009-05-01
070530002380 2007-05-30 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2007-05-01
051003000572 2005-10-03 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION 2005-10-03
051003000570 2005-10-03 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION 2005-10-03


Date Inspection Object Address Grade Type Institution Desctiption
2022-04-27 No data 6031 60TH PL, Queens, MASPETH, NY, 11378 Violation Issued Inspectorate of the Department of Consumer and Workers' Rights Protection Department of Consumer and Worker Protection No data

Fine And Fees

Fee Sequence Id Fee type Status Date Amount Description
3472083 LE INVOICED 2022-08-11 24000 Legal Escrow

Issued Violations

Number Adjudicates Phase Disposition Date Fine amount Date fine paid description
TWC-230692 Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings Issued Early Settlement 2024-12-04 750 No data Each vehicle must have the name and business address of the registrant lettered legibly in letters and figures not less than eight (8) inches in height, in a color that contrasts with the color of the vehicle, on each side of the vehicle body or upon each door of the vehicle cab, in a manner prescribed by the Commission, at all times.
TWC-227280 Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings Issued Settled 2023-07-25 400 2023-08-18 A registrant must maintain copies of all inspection and certification of repair forms required by 17 RCNY ? 7-03(e) for at least five (5) years, and copies of such forms (paper or electronic) must be available in the corresponding vehicles at all times for six (6) months.
TWC-225881 Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings Issued Settled 2023-01-30 400 2023-03-24 A registrant must maintain copies of all inspection and certification of repair forms required by 17 RCNY ? 7-03(e) for at least five (5) years, and copies of such forms (paper or electronic) must be available in the corresponding vehicles at all times for six (6) months.
TWC-225562 Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings Issued Settled 2023-01-09 800 2023-02-17 A registrant must maintain copies of all daily inspection reports required by 17 RCNY ? 7-03(f) for at least five (5) years, and copies of such reports (paper or electronic) must be available in the corresponding vehicles at all times for fourteen (14) days.
TWC-223734 Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings Issued Settled 2022-04-05 250 2022-08-23 A registrant must maintain copies of all inspection and certification of repair forms required by 17 RCNY ? 7-03(e) for at least five (5) years, and copies of such forms (paper or electronic) must be available in the corresponding vehicles at all times for six (6) months.
TWC-223735 Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings Issued Settled 2022-04-05 250 2022-08-23 A registrant must maintain copies of all daily inspection reports required by 17 RCNY ? 7-03(f) for at least five (5) years, and copies of such reports (paper or electronic) must be available in the corresponding vehicles at all times for fourteen (14) days.
TWC-210516 Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings Issued Settled 2014-09-15 250 2014-09-29 Registrant failed to maintain clean and unobstructed sidewalk, flagging curbstone or roadway or failed to comply with section 5-08 or 5-11 of this chapter
TWC-210514 Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings Issued Settled 2014-09-15 250 2014-10-03 Improper disposal of recyclable materials by registrant.
TWC-210515 Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings Issued Settled 2014-09-15 250 2014-10-01 Registrant failed to maintain clean and unobstructed sidewalk, flagging curbstone or roadway or failed to comply with section 5-08 or 5-11 of this chapter
TWC-208922 Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings Issued Settled 2013-12-27 1000 2014-01-10 Failure to mark container with name, license number, or volume measurement of container

Date of last update: 01 Jan 2025

Sources: New York Secretary of State