Jurisdiction: | New York |
Status: | Active |
Date of registration: | 27 May 2005 (20 years ago) |
Entity Number: | 3211509 |
ZIP code: | 11224 |
County: | Kings |
Place of Formation: | New York |
Address: | 626 SHEEPSHEAD BAY RD. STE 320, BROOKLYN, NY, United States, 11224 |
Contact Details
Phone +1 718-943-4300
Name | Role | Address |
C/O D II ENTERPRISES | DOS Process Agent | 626 SHEEPSHEAD BAY RD. STE 320, BROOKLYN, NY, United States, 11224 |
Number | Status | Type | Date | End date |
1284535-DCA | Inactive | Business | 2008-05-07 | 2010-03-31 |
Start date | End date | Type | Value |
2019-05-02 | 2023-05-12 | Address | 626 SHEEPSHEAD BAY RD. STE 320, BROOKLYN, NY, 11224, USA (Type of address: Service of Process) |
2017-01-10 | 2019-05-02 | Address | 530 NEPTUNE AVE, BROOKLYN, NY, 11224, USA (Type of address: Service of Process) |
2005-05-27 | 2017-01-10 | Address | 39 WEST 14TH STREET, ROOM 304, NEW YORK, NY, 10011, USA (Type of address: Service of Process) |
Filing Number | Date Filed | Type | Effective Date |
230512002886 | 2023-05-12 | BIENNIAL STATEMENT | 2023-05-01 |
210503060424 | 2021-05-03 | BIENNIAL STATEMENT | 2021-05-01 |
190502060375 | 2019-05-02 | BIENNIAL STATEMENT | 2019-05-01 |
170531000049 | 2017-05-31 | CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION | 2017-05-31 |
170505006376 | 2017-05-05 | BIENNIAL STATEMENT | 2017-05-01 |
170110002016 | 2017-01-10 | BIENNIAL STATEMENT | 2015-05-01 |
050527000908 | 2005-05-27 | ARTICLES OF ORGANIZATION | 2005-05-27 |
Date | Inspection Object | Address | Grade | Type | Institution | Desctiption |
2024-07-10 | DII ENTERPRISE | 104-11 LIBERTY AVE, OZONE PARK, Queens, NY, 11417 | C | Food Inspection | Department of Agriculture and Markets | 15E - Old, unused light fixtures and building materials in the basement storage area are stored in a manner which inhibits proper cleaning and inspection. |
2023-03-28 | No data | 10411 LIBERTY AVE, Queens, OZONE PARK, NY, 11417 | No Violation Issued | Inspectorate of the Department of Consumer and Workers' Rights Protection | Department of Consumer and Worker Protection | No data |
2022-09-01 | DII ENTERPRISE | 104-11 LIBERTY AVE, OZONE PARK, Queens, NY, 11417 | A | Food Inspection | Department of Agriculture and Markets | No data |
2022-06-30 | DII ENTERPRISE | 104-11 LIBERTY AVE, OZONE PARK, Queens, NY, 11417 | C | Food Inspection | Department of Agriculture and Markets | 04F - 180-200 fresh and old appearing intermingled mouse droppings are present along the walls and on multiple storage shelves with various supplies and building materials in the basement storage area. |
2022-04-25 | DII ENTERPRISE | 104-11 LIBERTY AVE, OZONE PARK, Queens, NY, 11417 | C | Food Inspection | Department of Agriculture and Markets | 10B - Establishment has insufficient space to accommodate operations with non-food items stored directly on the floor and against the wall in the basement storage area hampering proper inspection and cleaning. |
2018-11-13 | No data | 10411 LIBERTY AVE, Queens, OZONE PARK, NY, 11417 | No Violation Issued | Inspectorate of the Department of Consumer and Workers' Rights Protection | Department of Consumer and Worker Protection | No data |
2016-07-18 | No data | 10411 LIBERTY AVE, Queens, OZONE PARK, NY, 11417 | Pass | Inspectorate of the Department of Consumer and Workers' Rights Protection | Department of Consumer and Worker Protection | No data |
2015-03-17 | No data | 10411 LIBERTY AVE, Queens, OZONE PARK, NY, 11417 | Pass | Inspectorate of the Department of Consumer and Workers' Rights Protection | Department of Consumer and Worker Protection | No data |
Fee Sequence Id | Fee type | Status | Date | Amount | Description |
1544817 | CL VIO | INVOICED | 2013-12-27 | 175 | CL - Consumer Law Violation |
143803 | CL VIO | INVOICED | 2011-02-01 | 250 | CL - Consumer Law Violation |
881119 | LICENSE | INVOICED | 2008-05-08 | 320 | Stoop Line Stand, Fruit, Veg, Soft Drinks, Flowers |
Date of last update: 01 Jan 2025
Sources: New York Secretary of State