Citation ID |
01001A |
Citaton Type |
Serious |
Standard Cited |
5A0001 |
Issuance Date |
2019-04-26 |
Abatement Due Date |
2019-07-01 |
Current Penalty |
2121.7 |
Initial Penalty |
3031.0 |
Final Order |
2019-05-17 |
Nr Instances |
1 |
Nr Exposed |
2 |
Gravity |
5 |
FTA Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Citation text line |
OSH ACT of 1970 Section (5)(a)(1): The employer did not furnish employment and a place of employment which were free from recognized hazards that were causing or likely to cause death or serious physical harm to employees in that employees were exposed to the hazard of falling from a wheel loader. a) At the facility, on or about 11/19/2018: The driver side door was missing on a Volvo L45F wheel loader exposing employees to the hazard of falling out of the vehicle. Abatement certification must be submitted for this item. |
Citation ID |
01001B |
Citaton Type |
Serious |
Standard Cited |
5A0001 |
Issuance Date |
2019-04-26 |
Abatement Due Date |
2019-07-01 |
Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Initial Penalty |
0.0 |
Final Order |
2019-05-17 |
Nr Instances |
1 |
Nr Exposed |
2 |
Gravity |
5 |
FTA Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Citation text line |
OSH ACT of 1970 Section (5)(a)(1): The employer did not furnish employment and a place of employment which was free from recognized hazards that were causing or likely to cause death or serious physical harm to employees in that employees were exposed to the hazard of being struck by the vehicle or striking an object while operating the vehicle. a) At the facility, on or about 11/19/2018: The driver side sideview mirror was missing on a Volvo L45F wheel loader, exposing employees to the hazard of hitting objects out of the operators field of vision. Abatement certification must be submitted for this item. |
Citation ID |
01002A |
Citaton Type |
Serious |
Standard Cited |
19100095 C01 |
Issuance Date |
2019-04-26 |
Current Penalty |
2121.7 |
Initial Penalty |
3031.0 |
Final Order |
2019-05-17 |
Nr Instances |
1 |
Nr Exposed |
4 |
Gravity |
5 |
FTA Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Citation text line |
29 CFR 1910.95(c)(1): The employer did not administer a continuing, effective hearing conservation program as described in 29 CFR 1910.9(c) through (o) whenever employee noise exposures equal or exceed an 8-hour time-weighted average sound level of 85 decibels measured on the A scale, or equivalently a dose of fifty percent: a) In the dryer area, on or about 12/18/18: A hearing conservation program was not developed for employees who operated and monitored manure drying equipment. Noise monitoring conducted by OSHA showed two employees exposed to noise at levels of 119% and 94.66% of the dose of the permissible exposure limit (PEL). The equivalent dBA for 119% is 91.25 dBA calculated as an 8 hour time weighed sound pressure level, and the equivalent dBA for 94.66% is 89.6 dBA. Sampling was conducted for 390 and 331 minute periods. A zero increment was included for the remaining time of the workday not sampled. |
Citation ID |
01002B |
Citaton Type |
Serious |
Standard Cited |
19100095 D01 |
Issuance Date |
2019-04-26 |
Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Initial Penalty |
0.0 |
Final Order |
2019-05-17 |
Nr Instances |
1 |
Nr Exposed |
4 |
Gravity |
5 |
FTA Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Citation text line |
29 CFR 1910.95(d)(1): When information indicated that any employee's exposure equaled or exceed the 8-hour time-weighted average of 85 decibels, the employer did not develop and implement a monitoring program: a) In the dryer area, on or about 12/18/18: Where noise levels from the dryer and other operating equipment exceeded 85 decibels, the employer did not develop a monitoring program to determine employee noise exposure. |
Citation ID |
01003A |
Citaton Type |
Serious |
Standard Cited |
19100146 C01 |
Issuance Date |
2019-04-26 |
Current Penalty |
2652.3 |
Initial Penalty |
3789.0 |
Final Order |
2019-05-17 |
Nr Instances |
1 |
Nr Exposed |
2 |
Gravity |
5 |
FTA Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Citation text line |
29 CFR 1910.146(c)(1): The employer did not evaluate the workplace to determine if any spaces were permit-required confined spaces: a) In the dryer, on or about 11/10/2018: The employer did not evaluate the dryer to determine if it was a permit required confined spaced. An employee entered into the dryer to conduct cleaning. |
Citation ID |
01003B |
Citaton Type |
Serious |
Standard Cited |
19100146 C02 |
Issuance Date |
2019-04-26 |
Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Initial Penalty |
0.0 |
Final Order |
2019-05-17 |
Nr Instances |
1 |
Nr Exposed |
1 |
Gravity |
5 |
FTA Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Citation text line |
29 CFR 1910.146(c)(2): The employer did not inform exposed employees, by posting danger signs or by any other equally effective means, of the existence and location of and the danger posed by the permit spaces: a) On the dryer, on or about 11/10/2018: A confined space danger sign was not posted on the dryer and employees were not informed by other means that the dryer was a permit required confined space. |
Citation ID |
01003C |
Citaton Type |
Serious |
Standard Cited |
19100146 D03 |
Issuance Date |
2019-04-26 |
Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Initial Penalty |
0.0 |
Final Order |
2019-05-17 |
Nr Instances |
1 |
Nr Exposed |
2 |
Gravity |
5 |
FTA Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Citation text line |
29 CFR 1910.146(d)(3): Under the permit-required confined space program required by 29 CFR 1910.146(c)(4), the employer did not develop and implement the means, procedures, and practices necessary for safe permit space entry operations: a) In the dryer, on or about 11/10/2018: Procedures were not developed for entry into the dryer, which was a permit required confined space. |
Citation ID |
01003D |
Citaton Type |
Serious |
Standard Cited |
19100146 G01 |
Issuance Date |
2019-04-26 |
Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Initial Penalty |
0.0 |
Final Order |
2019-05-17 |
Nr Instances |
1 |
Nr Exposed |
2 |
Gravity |
5 |
FTA Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Citation text line |
29 CFR 1910.146(g)(1): The employer did not provide training so that all employees whose work was regulated by 29 CFR 1910.146 (permit required confined spaces) acquired the understanding, knowledge, and skills necessary for the safe performance of the duties assigned under 29 CFR 1910.146: a) In the dryer area, on or about 11/10/2018: Employees who entered into the dryer had not been provided with training on confined space entry. |
Citation ID |
01004A |
Citaton Type |
Serious |
Standard Cited |
19100147 C04 I |
Issuance Date |
2019-04-26 |
Current Penalty |
2652.3 |
Initial Penalty |
3789.0 |
Final Order |
2019-05-17 |
Nr Instances |
1 |
Nr Exposed |
4 |
Gravity |
5 |
FTA Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Citation text line |
29 CFR 1910.147(c)(4)(i): Procedures were not developed, documented and utilized for the control of potentially hazardous energy when employees were engaged in activities covered by this section: a) In the dryer area, on or about 11/19/2018: Energy control procedures were not developed and utilized for equipment including the dryer when employees entered into the dryer and conveyors when employees cleaned/unclogged the material feed into the dryer. |
Citation ID |
01004B |
Citaton Type |
Serious |
Standard Cited |
19100147 C07 I |
Issuance Date |
2019-04-26 |
Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Initial Penalty |
0.0 |
Final Order |
2019-05-17 |
Nr Instances |
1 |
Nr Exposed |
4 |
Gravity |
5 |
FTA Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Citation text line |
29 CFR 1910.147(c)(7)(i): The employer did not provide adequate training to ensure that employees acquired the knowledge and skills required for the safe application, usage and removal of energy control devices: a) In the dryer area, on or about 11/19/2018: Employees who were involved with entry into the dryer and cleaning/unclogging the conveyor feeding product into the dryer had not been provided with adequate training to ensure they had the knowledge and skills to implement lockout tagout procedures for the equipment. |
Citation ID |
01005 |
Citaton Type |
Serious |
Standard Cited |
19100157 G01 |
Issuance Date |
2019-04-26 |
Current Penalty |
1590.85 |
Initial Penalty |
2273.0 |
Final Order |
2019-05-17 |
Nr Instances |
1 |
Nr Exposed |
4 |
Gravity |
1 |
FTA Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Citation text line |
29 CFR 1910.157(g)(1): An educational program was not provided for all employees to familiarize them with the general principles of fire extinguisher use and the hazards involved with incipient stage fire fighting: a) In the dryer area, on or about 11/19/18: Employees were not provided with training on the general principles of fire extinguisher use and the hazards of incipient stage fire fighting. |
Citation ID |
01006 |
Citaton Type |
Serious |
Standard Cited |
19100219 C04 I |
Issuance Date |
2019-04-26 |
Current Penalty |
1590.85 |
Initial Penalty |
2273.0 |
Final Order |
2019-05-17 |
Nr Instances |
2 |
Nr Exposed |
4 |
Gravity |
1 |
FTA Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Citation text line |
29 CFR 1910.219(c)(4)(i): Unguarded projecting shaft end(s) did not present a smooth edge and end and projected more than one half the diameter of the shaft: a) At the product material inlet to the dryer, on or about 11/19/2018: A projecting shaft end was not guarded. b) On the manure trailer, on or about 11/19/2018: A projecting shaft end was not guarded. |
Citation ID |
01007A |
Citaton Type |
Serious |
Standard Cited |
19100219 E03 I |
Issuance Date |
2019-04-26 |
Current Penalty |
2652.3 |
Initial Penalty |
3789.0 |
Final Order |
2019-05-17 |
Nr Instances |
1 |
Nr Exposed |
4 |
Gravity |
5 |
FTA Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Citation text line |
29 CFR 1910.219(e)(3)(i): Vertical or inclined belt(s) were not enclosed by guard(s) conforming to the requirements specified at 29 CFR 1910.219(m) and (o). a) On the inlet conveyor to the dryer, on or about 11/19/2018: An inclined belt was not guarded to protect from ingoing nip points. |
Citation ID |
01007B |
Citaton Type |
Serious |
Standard Cited |
19100219 D01 |
Issuance Date |
2019-04-26 |
Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Initial Penalty |
0.0 |
Final Order |
2019-05-17 |
Nr Instances |
1 |
Nr Exposed |
4 |
Gravity |
5 |
FTA Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Citation text line |
29 CFR 1910.219(d)(1): Pulley(s) with part(s) seven feet or less from the floor or work platform were not guarded in accordance with the requirements specified in 29 CFR 1910.219(m) and (o): a) On the inlet conveyor to the dryer, on or about 11/19/2018: A pulley was not guarded to protect from ingoing nip points. |
Citation ID |
01008 |
Citaton Type |
Serious |
Standard Cited |
19100219 F03 |
Issuance Date |
2019-04-26 |
Current Penalty |
2652.3 |
Initial Penalty |
3789.0 |
Final Order |
2019-05-17 |
Nr Instances |
1 |
Nr Exposed |
4 |
Gravity |
5 |
FTA Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Citation text line |
29 CFR 1910.219(f)(3): Sprocket wheels and chains which were seven 7 feet or less above floors or platforms were not enclosed: a) On the dryer, next to the discharge conveyor, on or about 11/19/2018: Ingoing nip points on a chain and sprocket were not guarded. |
Citation ID |
01009 |
Citaton Type |
Serious |
Standard Cited |
19100305 B01 II |
Issuance Date |
2019-04-26 |
Current Penalty |
2121.7 |
Initial Penalty |
3031.0 |
Final Order |
2019-05-17 |
Nr Instances |
1 |
Nr Exposed |
2 |
Gravity |
5 |
FTA Current Penalty |
0.0 |
Citation text line |
29 CFR 1910.305(b)(1)(ii): Unused openings in boxes, cabinets, or fittings were not effectively closed: a) In the dryer area, on or about 12/18/2018: A unused opening on a breaker panel was not effectively closed. |