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Company Details

Jurisdiction: New York
Status: Active
Date of registration: 14 Feb 2006 (19 years ago)
Entity Number: 3320184
ZIP code: 07080
County: Queens
Place of Formation: New Jersey
Activity Description: Uriel Trucking LLC, is a privately held company established in 2005, specializing in dump truck hauling services, which includes the transportation and disposal of solid waste, demolition debris and clean fill. Based in South Plainfield, NJ. Uriel Trucking provides services throughout New Jersey, New York City, and Eastern Pennsylvania
Address: 2507 NEW BRUNSWICK AVE, SOUTH PLAINFIELD, NJ, United States, 07080

Contact Details

Phone +1 973-902-2043


DOS Process Agent

Name Role Address


Start date End date Type Value
2017-09-21 2018-07-18 Address 16 WILSON AVENUE, HAMILTON, NJ, 08619, USA (Type of address: Service of Process)
2016-12-02 2017-09-21 Address 275 NORTH 6TH STREET, NEWARK, NJ, 07107, USA (Type of address: Service of Process)
2016-05-12 2016-12-02 Address 271 NORTH 6TH STREET, NEWARK, NJ, 07107, USA (Type of address: Service of Process)
2016-05-09 2016-05-12 Address 271 NORTH 6TH ST, NEWARK, NJ, 07107, USA (Type of address: Service of Process)
2012-03-28 2016-05-09 Address 275 NORTH 6TH ST, NEWARK, NJ, 07107, USA (Type of address: Service of Process)
2006-02-14 2012-03-28 Address 275 N 6TH STREET, NEWARK, NJ, 07107, USA (Type of address: Service of Process)


Filing Number Date Filed Type Effective Date
180718006383 2018-07-18 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2018-02-01
170921000578 2017-09-21 CERTIFICATE OF CHANGE 2017-09-21
161202000300 2016-12-02 CERTIFICATE OF CHANGE 2016-12-02
160512000269 2016-05-12 CERTIFICATE OF CHANGE 2016-05-12
160509006087 2016-05-09 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2016-02-01
140331002183 2014-03-31 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2014-02-01
120328002282 2012-03-28 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2012-02-01
100318002857 2010-03-18 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2010-02-01
080201002935 2008-02-01 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2008-02-01
060214000136 2006-02-14 APPLICATION OF AUTHORITY 2006-02-14

Issued Violations

Number Adjudicates Phase Disposition Date Fine amount Date fine paid description
TWC-230288 Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings Issued Early Settlement 2024-09-03 2500 No data In addition to any other prohibition contained in Chapter 1 of Title 16-A of the Code or this chapter, an applicant, a licensee, a registrant, a principal of a licensee or a registrant, or an employee required to make disclosure, pursuant to Section 16-510 of the Code as listed in Appendix A of Subchapter C of this chapter must not:refuse to answer an inquiry from the Commission;
TWC-229712 Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings Issued Early Settlement 2024-07-30 2500 No data (e) A trade waste vehicle must not be operated unless such vehicle is in safe operating condition and has passed an inspection conducted by a qualified inspector demonstrating compliance with the terms of this section at least once during the preceding six months. (1) Each such inspection must be recorded on an inspection report form prescribed by the Commission. Such inspection report must identify any safety defects discovered during the inspection and cover at a minimum, the following parts and accessories: service and parking brakes, steering mechanism, tires, wheels and rims, side guards, coupling devices, mirrors, lighting devices and reflectors, horn, windshield wipers, and emergency equipment. (2) Following an inspection, such vehicle may not be operated unless a qualified inspector certifies on the inspection report that all necessary repairs have been made and that such vehicle has passed the inspection. (3) Copies of the most recent inspection report must be kept in the corresponding vehicle in accordance with the requirements of subdivision (e) of 17 RCNY ? 7-06.
TWC-226722 Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings Issued Settled 2023-05-11 0 No data Each vehicle having a gross vehicle weight rating of twenty-six thousand pounds or more and a conventional cab configuration in which the engine is mounted in front of the operator must be equipped with a convex mirror positioned on the front of such vehicle. When such vehicle is being operated, such mirror shall be adjusted so as to enable the operator thereof to see all points on an imaginary horizontal line which is three feet above the road, is one foot directly forward from the midpoint of the front of such motor vehicle, and extends the full width of the front of such vehicle or combination of vehicles.
TWC-222610 Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings Issued Settled 2021-09-13 0 No data Each vehicle having a gross vehicle weight rating of twenty-six thousand pounds or more and a conventional cab configuration in which the engine is mounted in front of the operator must be equipped with a convex mirror positioned on the front of such vehicle. When such vehicle is being operated, such mirror shall be adjusted so as to enable the operator thereof to see all points on an imaginary horizontal line which is three feet above the road, is one foot directly forward from the midpoint of the front of such motor vehicle, and extends the full width of the front of such vehicle or combination of vehicles.
TWC-222392 Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings Issued Settled 2021-08-16 0 No data Each vehicle having a gross vehicle weight rating of twenty-six thousand pounds or more and a conventional cab configuration in which the engine is mounted in front of the operator must be equipped with a convex mirror positioned on the front of such vehicle. When such vehicle is being operated, such mirror shall be adjusted so as to enable the operator thereof to see all points on an imaginary horizontal line which is three feet above the road, is one foot directly forward from the midpoint of the front of such motor vehicle, and extends the full width of the front of such vehicle or combination of vehicles.
TWC-220931 Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings Issued Settled 2021-02-11 500 2021-06-17 An applicant for registration and a registrant must notify the Commission within ten (10) business days of all vehicle traffic summonses issued to the applicant for registration or registrant as the lessee or owner of the vehicle or to any person while operating a vehicle on behalf of such applicant or registrant.
TWC-216050 Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings Issued Settled 2018-05-04 250 2018-07-24 General Prohibitions
TWC-211866 Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings Issued Settled 2015-05-28 2500 2015-05-29 Failed to timely notify Commission of a material information submitted to the Commission

Date of last update: 20 Jan 2025

Sources: New York Secretary of State