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Company Details

Jurisdiction: New York
Status: Active
Date of registration: 09 Sep 1976 (48 years ago)
Entity Number: 409476
ZIP code: 10472
County: Bronx
Place of Formation: New York
Address: 1211 CROES AVENUE, BRONX, NY, United States, 10472

Contact Details

Phone +1 718-378-0400

DOS Process Agent

Name Role Address
THE CORPORATION DOS Process Agent 1211 CROES AVENUE, BRONX, NY, United States, 10472


Start date End date Type Value
1976-09-09 1998-11-16 Address 1211 CROES AVE, BRONX, NY, 10472, USA (Type of address: Service of Process)


Filing Number Date Filed Type Effective Date
20090813028 2009-08-13 ASSUMED NAME CORP INITIAL FILING 2009-08-13
981116000526 1998-11-16 CERTIFICATE OF AMENDMENT 1998-11-16
A371903-5 1977-01-20 CERTIFICATE OF AMENDMENT 1977-01-20
A341299-6 1976-09-09 CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION 1976-09-09


Date Inspection Object Address Grade Type Institution Desctiption
2023-04-18 BRONXDALE NURSERY AND KINDERGARTEN 1065 -1085 BEACH AVENUE, BRONX, 10472 No data Childcare Center Inspections Department of Health and Mental Hygiene There were no new violations observed at the time of this inspection/visit.
2023-03-21 SOUND DALE CENTER FOR EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION 1211 CROES AVENUE, BRONX, 10472 No data Childcare Center Inspections Department of Health and Mental Hygiene There were no new violations observed at the time of this inspection/visit.
2023-03-01 BRONXDALE NURSERY AND KINDERGARTEN 1065 -1085 BEACH AVENUE, BRONX, 10472 No data Childcare Center Inspections Department of Health and Mental Hygiene There were no new violations observed at the time of this inspection/visit.
2023-02-14 SOUND DALE CENTER FOR EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION 1211 CROES AVENUE, BRONX, 10472 CRITICAL Childcare Center Inspections Department of Health and Mental Hygiene At time of inspection child care service facility observed Not maintained or in disrepair. Dry sweeping observed in areas occupied by children.
2022-06-23 BRONXDALE NURSERY AND KINDERGARTEN 1065 -1085 BEACH AVENUE, BRONX, 10472 No data Childcare Center Inspections Department of Health and Mental Hygiene There were no new violations observed at the time of this inspection/visit.
2022-06-22 SOUND DALE CENTER FOR EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION 1211 CROES AVENUE, BRONX, 10472 GENERAL Childcare Center Inspections Department of Health and Mental Hygiene Except in night care a group teacher shall be in charge of each group of children 2-6 years of age
2022-04-06 SOUND DALE CENTER FOR EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION 1211 CROES AVENUE, BRONX, 10472 GENERAL Childcare Center Inspections Department of Health and Mental Hygiene Except in night care a group teacher shall be in charge of each group of children 2-6 years of age
2022-03-30 SOUND DALE CENTER FOR EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION 1211 CROES AVENUE, BRONX, 10472 CRITICAL Childcare Center Inspections Department of Health and Mental Hygiene Exits and other egress Not provided with required signage at time of inspection.
2022-03-11 BRONXDALE NURSERY AND KINDERGARTEN 1065 -1085 BEACH AVENUE, BRONX, 10472 CRITICAL Childcare Center Inspections Department of Health and Mental Hygiene Exits and other egress Not provided with required signage at time of inspection.
2021-06-28 SOUND DALE CENTER FOR EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION 1211 CROES AVENUE, BRONX, 10472 No data Childcare Center Inspections Department of Health and Mental Hygiene There were no new violations observed at the time of this inspection/visit.

Date of last update: 21 Dec 2024

Sources: New York Secretary of State