Jurisdiction: | New York |
Status: | Active |
Date of registration: | 23 Feb 2012 (13 years ago) |
Entity Number: | 4206620 |
ZIP code: | 11434 |
County: | Queens |
Place of Formation: | New York |
Address: | 168-27 BAISLEY BLVD., JAMAICA, NY, United States, 11434 |
Principal Address: | 163-47 130TH AVENUE, BLDG 4B, APT 4H, JAMAICA QUEENS, NY, United States, 11434 |
Contact Details
Phone +1 718-977-2224
Shares Details
Shares issued 200
Share Par Value 0
Name | Role | Address |
DERRICK SMITH | Chief Executive Officer | 163-47 130TH AVENUE, BLDG 4B, APT 4H, JAMAICA QUEENS, NY, United States, 11434 |
Name | Role | Address |
THE CORPORATION | DOS Process Agent | 168-27 BAISLEY BLVD., JAMAICA, NY, United States, 11434 |
Number | Status | Type | Date | End date |
1449487-DCA | Active | Business | 2012-11-07 | 2025-07-31 |
Filing Number | Date Filed | Type | Effective Date |
140718002179 | 2014-07-18 | BIENNIAL STATEMENT | 2014-02-01 |
120223000063 | 2012-02-23 | CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION | 2012-02-23 |
Date | Inspection Object | Address | Grade | Type | Institution | Desctiption |
2023-03-14 | No data | 16827 BAISLEY BLVD, Queens, JAMAICA, NY, 11434 | No Violation Issued | Inspectorate of the Department of Consumer and Workers' Rights Protection | Department of Consumer and Worker Protection | No data |
2022-07-18 | No data | 16827 BAISLEY BLVD, Queens, JAMAICA, NY, 11434 | Closed | Inspectorate of the Department of Consumer and Workers' Rights Protection | Department of Consumer and Worker Protection | No data |
2019-11-15 | No data | 16827 BAISLEY BLVD, Queens, JAMAICA, NY, 11434 | No Violation Issued | Inspectorate of the Department of Consumer and Workers' Rights Protection | Department of Consumer and Worker Protection | No data |
2017-05-03 | No data | 16827 BAISLEY BLVD, Queens, JAMAICA, NY, 11434 | No Violation Issued | Inspectorate of the Department of Consumer and Workers' Rights Protection | Department of Consumer and Worker Protection | No data |
2015-05-26 | No data | 16827 BAISLEY BLVD, Queens, JAMAICA, NY, 11434 | No Violation Issued | Inspectorate of the Department of Consumer and Workers' Rights Protection | Department of Consumer and Worker Protection | No data |
Fee Sequence Id | Fee type | Status | Date | Amount | Description |
3666786 | RENEWAL | INVOICED | 2023-07-05 | 340 | Secondhand Dealer General License Renewal Fee |
3342065 | RENEWAL | INVOICED | 2021-06-28 | 340 | Secondhand Dealer General License Renewal Fee |
3059902 | RENEWAL | INVOICED | 2019-07-10 | 340 | Secondhand Dealer General License Renewal Fee |
2632831 | RENEWAL | INVOICED | 2017-06-29 | 340 | Secondhand Dealer General License Renewal Fee |
2098851 | RENEWAL | INVOICED | 2015-06-08 | 340 | Secondhand Dealer General License Renewal Fee |
1241987 | RENEWAL | INVOICED | 2013-06-03 | 340 | Secondhand Dealer General License Renewal Fee |
1160794 | LICENSE | INVOICED | 2012-11-08 | 170 | Secondhand Dealer General License Fee |
Date of last update: 29 Dec 2024
Sources: New York Secretary of State