Name: | G. KARA CORP. |
Jurisdiction: | New York |
Status: | Active |
Date of registration: | 10 Apr 2012 (13 years ago) |
Entity Number: | 4228893 |
ZIP code: | 11557 |
County: | Nassau |
Place of Formation: | New York |
Activity Description: | G. Kara Corp is an innovative company offering a unique blend of products and services to cater to diverse consumer needs. Here's an overview of some principal products, commodities, specialties, and services: G. Kara Corp can develope custom software solutions tailored to the specific requirements of their clients. Whether it's building web applications, mobile apps, or enterprise software. We excel in creating high-quality, user-friendly software products. Recognizing the importance of sustainability in the fashion industry, G. Kara Corp provides innovative solutions to promote eco-friendly practices. This could involve developing software for supply chain optimization, materials sourcing, or waste reduction strategies. G. Kara Corp harnesses the capabilities of data analytics and artificial intelligence to provide insights into consumer behavior, trend forecasting, and personalized recommendations for fashion brands. This helps businesses make data-driven decisions and s |
Address: | 1175 BROADWAY, HEWLETT, NY, United States, 11557 |
Contact Details
Phone +1 917-524-7465
Shares Details
Shares issued 200
Share Par Value 0
Name | Role | Address |
GOLFO KARAGEORGOS | Chief Executive Officer | 1175 BROADWAY, HEWLETT, NY, United States, 11557 |
Name | Role | Address |
GOLFO KARAGEORGOS | DOS Process Agent | 1175 BROADWAY, HEWLETT, NY, United States, 11557 |
Filing Number | Date Filed | Type | Effective Date |
140411006395 | 2014-04-11 | BIENNIAL STATEMENT | 2014-04-01 |
120410000355 | 2012-04-10 | CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION | 2012-04-10 |
Date of last update: 30 Dec 2024
Sources: New York Secretary of State