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Company Details

Name: STAGG P.C.
Jurisdiction: New York
Status: Inactive
Date of registration: 21 Feb 2014 (11 years ago)
Date of dissolution: 25 May 2022
Entity Number: 4532726
ZIP code: 20148
County: New York
Place of Formation: New York
Address: 43425 Usk Terrace, Ashburn, VA, United States, 20148

Shares Details

Shares issued 100

Share Par Value 0


DOS Process Agent

Name Role Address
STAGG P.C. DOS Process Agent 43425 Usk Terrace, Ashburn, VA, United States, 20148

Chief Executive Officer

Name Role Address
CHRISTOPHER STAGG Chief Executive Officer 43425 USK TERRACE, ASHBURN, VA, United States, 20148


Start date End date Type Value
2022-05-25 2022-05-25 Address 43425 USK TERRACE, ASHBURN, VA, 20148, USA (Type of address: Chief Executive Officer)
2022-05-25 2022-05-25 Address 521 FIFTH AVENUE, 17TH FLOOR, NEW YORK, NY, 10175, USA (Type of address: Chief Executive Officer)
2021-08-30 2022-05-25 Address 43425 usk terrace, ASHBURN, VA, 20148, USA (Type of address: Service of Process)
2021-08-30 2022-05-25 Address 521 FIFTH AVENUE, 17TH FLOOR, NEW YORK, NY, 10175, USA (Type of address: Chief Executive Officer)
2021-08-09 2022-05-25 Shares Share type: NO PAR VALUE, Number of shares: 100, Par value: 0
2016-11-03 2021-08-30 Address 521 FIFTH AVENUE, 17TH FLOOR, NEW YORK, NY, 10175, USA (Type of address: Chief Executive Officer)
2015-10-26 2021-08-30 Address 521 FIFTH AVENUE 17TH FLOOR, NEW YORK, NY, 10175, USA (Type of address: Service of Process)
2014-02-21 2015-10-26 Address 6501 POTOMAC AVE. B1, ALEXANDRIA, VA, 22307, USA (Type of address: Service of Process)
2014-02-21 2021-08-09 Shares Share type: NO PAR VALUE, Number of shares: 100, Par value: 0


Filing Number Date Filed Type Effective Date
220525000661 2022-05-25 CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION-CANCELLATION 2022-05-25
220201000237 2022-02-01 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2022-02-01
210830000277 2021-08-09 CERTIFICATE OF CHANGE BY ENTITY 2021-08-09
200224060063 2020-02-24 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2020-02-01
180213006220 2018-02-13 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2018-02-01
161103007078 2016-11-03 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2016-02-01
151026000676 2015-10-26 CERTIFICATE OF CHANGE 2015-10-26
140221000259 2014-02-21 CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION 2014-02-21

Date of last update: 28 Dec 2024

Sources: New York Secretary of State