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Company Details

Jurisdiction: New York
Status: Inactive
Date of registration: 19 Dec 2014 (10 years ago)
Date of dissolution: 17 Jan 2023
Entity Number: 4682713
ZIP code: 08804
County: New York
Place of Formation: New Jersey
Address: 46 staats rd, BLOOMSBURY, NJ, United States, 08804

DOS Process Agent

Name Role Address
THE LLC DOS Process Agent 46 staats rd, BLOOMSBURY, NJ, United States, 08804


Name Role Address


Start date End date Type Value
2014-12-19 2023-07-11 Address PO BOX 4950, CLINTON, NJ, 08809, USA (Type of address: Service of Process)


Filing Number Date Filed Type Effective Date
230711000258 2023-01-17 SURRENDER OF AUTHORITY 2023-01-17
141219000189 2014-12-19 APPLICATION OF AUTHORITY 2014-12-19

OSHA's Inspections within Industry

Inspection Nr Report ID Date Opened Site Address
343164620 0215000 2018-05-11 111 MURRAY STREET, NEW YORK, NY, 10007
Inspection Type Referral
Scope Complete
Safety/Health Safety
Close Conference 2018-05-14
Emphasis L: FALL
Case Closed 2019-02-04

Related Activity

Type Referral
Activity Nr 1379272
Safety Yes
Type Inspection
Activity Nr 1316596
Safety Yes
Type Inspection
Activity Nr 1344990
Safety Yes
Type Inspection
Activity Nr 1344634
Safety Yes

Violation Items

Citation ID 01001A
Citaton Type Serious
Standard Cited 19100066 F05 I F
Issuance Date 2018-11-07
Current Penalty 2800.0
Initial Penalty 3696.0
Final Order 2018-12-19
Nr Instances 3
Nr Exposed 2
Gravity 5
FTA Current Penalty 0.0
Citation text line 29 CFR 1910.66(f)(5)(i)(F): Working platform of a suspended unit was not secured to the building facade by one or more of the following methods listed in this section, or by an equivalent method: a) Employees used the BMU suspended scaffold which was disconnected from the tether when the shoes were getting stuck in the building mullion tracks. Location: 111 Murray St, New York, N.Y. On or about 5/11/2018 NOTE: BECAUSE ABATEMENT OF THIS VIOLATION IS ALREADY DOCUMENTED IN THE CASEFILE, THE EMPLOYER NEED NOT SUBMIT CERTIFICATION NOR DOCUMENTATION OF ABATEMENT OF THIS VIOLATION AS NORMALLY REQUIRED BY 29 CFR 1903.19.
Citation ID 01001B
Citaton Type Serious
Standard Cited 19100066 H01
Issuance Date 2018-11-07
Current Penalty 0.0
Initial Penalty 0.0
Final Order 2018-12-19
Nr Instances 3
Nr Exposed 2
Gravity 5
FTA Current Penalty 0.0
Citation text line 29 CFR 1910.66(h)(1): . All parts of the equipment affecting safe operation was not maintained in proper working order so that they may perform the functions for which they were intended. The equipment was not taken out of service when it was not in proper working order. a) A competent person did not ensure the BMU suspended scaffold was in proper working order. Employees worked from the unit when the tether shoes were getting stuck in the building mullion tracks and it was disconnected from the tethers. Location: 111 Murray St, New York, N.Y. On or about 5/11/2018 NOTE: BECAUSE ABATEMENT OF THIS VIOLATION IS ALREADY DOCUMENTED IN THE CASEFILE, THE EMPLOYER NEED NOT SUBMIT CERTIFICATION NOR DOCUMENTATION OF ABATEMENT OF THIS VIOLATION AS NORMALLY REQUIRED BY 29 CFR 1903.19.
Citation ID 01002
Citaton Type Other
Standard Cited 19100066 I01 I
Issuance Date 2018-11-07
Abatement Due Date 2018-11-20
Current Penalty 3000.0
Initial Penalty 3696.0
Final Order 2018-12-19
Nr Instances 3
Nr Exposed 2
FTA Current Penalty 0.0
Citation text line 29 CFR 1910.66(i)(1)(i): The employer did not have each employee trained in the operation, safe use and inspections of the working platform being used. a) Employees were not provided training to use the BMU scaffold which was not tethered to the building and did not have any means to determine the wind speed Location: 111 Murray St, New York, N.Y. On or about 5/11/2018
Citation ID 01003
Citaton Type Serious
Standard Cited 19100066 I02 VI
Issuance Date 2018-11-07
Abatement Due Date 2018-11-20
Current Penalty 0.0
Initial Penalty 3696.0
Final Order 2018-12-19
Nr Instances 3
Nr Exposed 2
Gravity 5
FTA Current Penalty 0.0
Citation text line 29 CFR 1910.66(i)(2)(vi): An anemometer was not mounted on the platform to provide information of on-site wind velocities prior to and during the use of the platform. The anemometer may be a portable (hand held) unit which is temporarily mounted during platform use. IN THE ALTERNATIVE 29 CFR 1926.451(f)(12): Work on or from scaffolds was not prohibited during storms or high winds and a competent person did not determine that it was safe for employees to be on the scaffold. a) Employer did not have a wind gauge (anemometer) when operating the BMU suspended scaffold. Location: 111 Murray St, New York, N.Y. On or about 5/11/2018

Date of last update: 08 Mar 2025

Sources: New York Secretary of State