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Company Details

Jurisdiction: New York
Status: Active
Date of registration: 08 May 2017 (8 years ago)
Entity Number: 5133283
ZIP code: 11726
County: Suffolk
Place of Formation: New York
Address: 285 EAST DRIVE, COPIAGUE, NY, United States, 11726

Contact Details

Phone +1 516-782-0494

Shares Details

Shares issued 200

Share Par Value 0


DOS Process Agent

Name Role Address
THE CORPORATION DOS Process Agent 285 EAST DRIVE, COPIAGUE, NY, United States, 11726


Number Type Date Description
BIC-505237 Trade waste removal 2021-10-18 BIC File Number of the Entity: BIC-505237


Start date End date Type Value
2023-09-26 2024-01-19 Shares Share type: NO PAR VALUE, Number of shares: 200, Par value: 0
2023-07-11 2023-09-26 Shares Share type: NO PAR VALUE, Number of shares: 200, Par value: 0
2017-05-08 2023-07-11 Shares Share type: NO PAR VALUE, Number of shares: 200, Par value: 0


Filing Number Date Filed Type Effective Date
170508010458 2017-05-08 CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION 2017-05-08

Issued Violations

Number Adjudicates Phase Disposition Date Fine amount Date fine paid description
TWC-230265 Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings Issued Calendared 2024-10-03 2500 No data It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a business for the purpose of the collection of trade waste from the premises of a commercial establishment required to provide for the removal of such waste pursuant to the provisions of section 16-116 of this code, or the removal or disposal of trade waste from such premises, or to engage in, conduct or cause the operation of such a business, without having first obtained a license therefor from the commission pursuant to the provisions of this chapter. Notwithstanding the provisions of this subdivision, a business solely engaged in the removal of waste materials resulting from building demolition, construction, alteration or excavation shall be exempt from the licensing provisions of this subdivision where, except in regard to the principals of a business solely in either or both of the class seven or the class three category of licensees as defined in rules previously promulgated by the commissioner of consumer and worker protection pursuant to subchapter eighteen of chapter two of title twenty of this code, no principal of such applicant is a principal of a business or a former business required to be licensed pursuant to this chapter or such former subchapter eighteen. Grant of such exemption shall be made by the commission upon its review of an exemption application, which shall be in the form and contain the information prescribed by rule of the commission and shall be accompanied by a statement by the applicant describing the nature of the applicant's business and listing all principals of such business.
TWC-227443 Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings Issued Settled 2023-09-05 1000 2023-10-30 On or before June 30 of each year but not later than six (6) months following the end of the licensee's fiscal year, all licensees must file a report on a form or computer format prescribed by the Commission, provided, however, that a micro-hauler licensee may satisfy this requirement by submitting such licensee's tax returns prepared by a certified public accountant. If the Commission requires a revision of the report after review by an auditor on the Commission's staff, an amended report must be submitted to the Commission no later than the date specified by the Commission. The Commission may require that the annual report include the financial statement described in Subdivision (e) of this section and other information and documents concerning the licensee's operations, including but not limited to: financial information reported on a calendar year basis, the management letter issued by the licensee's auditor to the licensee, and information concerning: affiliations with other licensees; organization and control of the licensee, corporate control over the licensee; corporations controlled by the licensee; officers and directors of the licensee; allocation of recyclables and non-recyclables; security holders of and voting powers within the licensee; subcontracting, management, engineering, and contracts of the licensee.
TWC-226018 Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings Issued Settled 2023-03-09 0 No data Each vehicle must have the name and business address of the licensee lettered legibly in letters and figures not less than eight (8) inches in height, and in a color that contrasts with the color of the vehicle, on each side of the vehicle body or upon each door of the vehicle cab at all times.
TWC-225644 Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings Issued Settled 2023-01-23 0 No data Each vehicle must have the name and business address of the licensee lettered legibly in letters and figures not less than eight (8) inches in height, and in a color that contrasts with the color of the vehicle, on each side of the vehicle body or upon each door of the vehicle cab at all times.
TWC-218751 Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings Issued Settled 2020-02-25 2500 2020-11-20 Removed collected or disposed of trade waste or without the proper Commission issued license or exemption from licensing requirements

Date of last update: 27 Dec 2024

Sources: New York Secretary of State