Jurisdiction: | New York |
Status: | Active |
Date of registration: | 03 Sep 2019 (5 years ago) |
Entity Number: | 5614339 |
ZIP code: | 11213 |
County: | Kings |
Place of Formation: | New York |
Address: | 1588 ST. JOHNS PL., BROOKLYN, NY, United States, 11213 |
Principal Address: | 1588 ST. JOHNS PL., Brooklyn, NY, United States, 11213 |
Shares Details
Shares issued 200
Share Par Value 0
Name | Role | Address |
MUNECO GROCERY CORP. | DOS Process Agent | 1588 ST. JOHNS PL., BROOKLYN, NY, United States, 11213 |
Name | Role | Address |
THE CORPORATION | Chief Executive Officer | 1588 ST. JOHNS PL., BROOKLYN, NY, United States, 11213 |
Number | Type | Address |
743382 | Retail grocery store | 1588 SAINT JOHNS PLACE, BROOKLYN, NY, 11213 |
Start date | End date | Type | Value |
2019-09-03 | 2023-11-16 | Shares | Share type: NO PAR VALUE, Number of shares: 200, Par value: 0 |
2019-09-03 | 2023-11-16 | Address | 1588 ST. JOHNS PL., BROOKLYN, NY, 11213, USA (Type of address: Service of Process) |
Filing Number | Date Filed | Type | Effective Date |
231116002800 | 2023-11-16 | BIENNIAL STATEMENT | 2023-09-01 |
190903010316 | 2019-09-03 | CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION | 2019-09-03 |
Date | Inspection Object | Address | Grade | Type | Institution | Desctiption |
2024-06-14 | MUNECO GROCERY | 1588 SAINT JOHNS PLACE, BROOKLYN, Kings, NY, 11213 | A | Food Inspection | Department of Agriculture and Markets | No data |
2023-04-17 | MUNECO GROCERY | 1588 SAINT JOHNS PLACE, BROOKLYN, Kings, NY, 11213 | A | Food Inspection | Department of Agriculture and Markets | No data |
2023-02-02 | MUNECO GROCERY | 1588 SAINT JOHNS PLACE, BROOKLYN, Kings, NY, 11213 | C | Food Inspection | Department of Agriculture and Markets | 09A - Handwash facility in the deli food preparation area is observed to lack hand washing sign and sanitary drying device. The deli area was closed at the time of inspection. - Handwash facility in the toilet room to lack sanitary drying device, hand soap and hand washing sign. |
2022-06-16 | MUNECO GROCERY | 1588 SAINT JOHNS PLACE, BROOKLYN, Kings, NY, 11213 | B | Food Inspection | Department of Agriculture and Markets | 13A - 21B. The establishment operates as a retail food store and does not have a valid Article 28 License. Licensable operations, as stated by management and observed, are listed in the memo section of this report. Management states proper application and fee have been submitted. |
Date of last update: 12 Jan 2025
Sources: New York Secretary of State