Name: | 8344 HOMES CORP. |
Jurisdiction: | New York |
Status: | Active |
Date of registration: | 09 Mar 1982 (43 years ago) |
Entity Number: | 756201 |
ZIP code: | 10019 |
County: | Queens |
Place of Formation: | New York |
Principal Address: | C/O ORSID REALTY CORP, 156 WEST 56 STREET, 6 FLOOR, NEW YORK, NY, United States, 10019 |
Address: | 156 West 56th Street, 6TH FLOOR, New York, NY, United States, 10019 |
Shares Details
Shares issued 40000
Share Par Value 0.5
Name | Role | Address |
C/O ORSID REALTY CORP. | DOS Process Agent | 156 West 56th Street, 6TH FLOOR, New York, NY, United States, 10019 |
Name | Role | Address |
DENNIS PAHL | Chief Executive Officer | C/O ORSID REALTY CORP., 6TH FLOOR, NEW YORK, NY, United States, 10019 |
Start date | End date | Type | Value |
2024-03-25 | 2024-03-25 | Address | C/O ORSID REALTY CORP., 6TH FLOOR, NEW YORK, NY, 10019, USA (Type of address: Chief Executive Officer) |
2024-03-25 | 2024-03-25 | Address | 83-44 LEFFERTS BLVD, 156 WEST 56 STREET, 6TH FLOOR, KEW GARDENS, NY, 10019, USA (Type of address: Chief Executive Officer) |
2023-04-17 | 2024-03-25 | Shares | Share type: PAR VALUE, Number of shares: 40000, Par value: 0.5 |
2020-03-10 | 2024-03-25 | Address | 156 WEST 56 STREET, 6TH FLOOR, NEW YORK, NY, 10019, USA (Type of address: Service of Process) |
2020-03-10 | 2024-03-25 | Address | 83-44 LEFFERTS BLVD, 156 WEST 56 STREET, 6TH FLOOR, KEW GARDENS, NY, 10019, USA (Type of address: Chief Executive Officer) |
2019-12-30 | 2020-03-10 | Address | C/O ORSID REALTY CORP., 156 W. 56TH STREET, 6TH FL., NEW YORK, NY, 10019, USA (Type of address: Service of Process) |
2019-12-30 | 2020-03-10 | Address | C/O ORSID REALTY CORP., 156 W. 56TH STREET, 6TH FL., NEW YORK, NY, 10019, USA (Type of address: Principal Executive Office) |
2019-12-30 | 2020-03-10 | Address | 83-44 LEFFERTS BLVD, KEW GARDENS, NY, 11415, USA (Type of address: Chief Executive Officer) |
2008-03-21 | 2019-12-30 | Address | C/O ELITE MANAGEMENT INC, 42-40 BELL BLVD / STE 507, BAYSIDE, NY, 11361, USA (Type of address: Principal Executive Office) |
2008-03-21 | 2019-12-30 | Address | C/O ELITE MANAGEMENT INC, 42-40 BELL BLVD / STE 507, BAYSIDE, NY, 11361, USA (Type of address: Service of Process) |
Filing Number | Date Filed | Type | Effective Date |
240325003682 | 2024-03-25 | BIENNIAL STATEMENT | 2024-03-25 |
220609002157 | 2022-06-09 | BIENNIAL STATEMENT | 2022-03-01 |
200310060891 | 2020-03-10 | BIENNIAL STATEMENT | 2020-03-01 |
191230060386 | 2019-12-30 | BIENNIAL STATEMENT | 2018-03-01 |
100517002989 | 2010-05-17 | BIENNIAL STATEMENT | 2010-03-01 |
080321002792 | 2008-03-21 | BIENNIAL STATEMENT | 2008-03-01 |
060518002239 | 2006-05-18 | BIENNIAL STATEMENT | 2006-03-01 |
040412002337 | 2004-04-12 | BIENNIAL STATEMENT | 2004-03-01 |
030909002795 | 2003-09-09 | BIENNIAL STATEMENT | 2002-03-01 |
000327003093 | 2000-03-27 | BIENNIAL STATEMENT | 2000-03-01 |
Date of last update: 07 Jan 2025
Sources: New York Secretary of State