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Company Details

Jurisdiction: New York
Status: Active
Date of registration: 10 Jan 1961 (64 years ago)
Entity Number: 134565
ZIP code: 11231
County: Kings
Place of Formation: New York
Address: 279 VAN BRUNT ST, BROOKLYN, NY, United States, 11231

Shares Details

Shares issued 0

Share Par Value 20000

Type CAP

Chief Executive Officer

Name Role Address
MICHAEL FLYNN Chief Executive Officer 74 LOCKWOOD PL, CLIFTON, NJ, United States, 07013

DOS Process Agent

Name Role Address
THE CORPORATION DOS Process Agent 279 VAN BRUNT ST, BROOKLYN, NY, United States, 11231


Start date End date Type Value
2009-02-17 2013-02-12 Address 74 LOCKWOOD PL, CLIFTON, NJ, 07013, USA (Type of address: Chief Executive Officer)
2003-01-16 2009-02-17 Address 279 VAN BRUNT ST, BROOKLYN, NY, 11231, USA (Type of address: Principal Executive Office)
2003-01-16 2009-02-17 Address 110 E 8TH ST, CLIFTON PARK, NJ, 07011, USA (Type of address: Chief Executive Officer)
1997-04-17 2003-01-16 Address 110 E 8TH ST, CLIFTON, NJ, 00000, USA (Type of address: Chief Executive Officer)
1993-02-24 2003-01-16 Address 724 CONEY ISLAND AVE, BROOKLYN, NY, 11218, USA (Type of address: Service of Process)
1993-02-24 2003-01-16 Address 724 CONEY ISLAND AVE, BROOKLYN, NY, 11218, USA (Type of address: Principal Executive Office)
1993-02-24 1997-04-17 Address 724 CONEY ISLAND AVE, BROOKLYN, NY, 11218, USA (Type of address: Chief Executive Officer)
1961-01-10 1993-02-24 Address 730 CONEY ISLAND AVE., BROOKLYN, NY, 11218, USA (Type of address: Service of Process)


Filing Number Date Filed Type Effective Date
130212002241 2013-02-12 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2013-01-01
110128002723 2011-01-28 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2011-01-01
090217002301 2009-02-17 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2009-01-01
070208002762 2007-02-08 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2007-01-01
050304002585 2005-03-04 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2005-01-01
030116002143 2003-01-16 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2003-01-01
010118002622 2001-01-18 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2001-01-01
990208002186 1999-02-08 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 1999-01-01
970417002510 1997-04-17 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 1997-01-01
940316002646 1994-03-16 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 1994-01-01

Date of last update: 22 Dec 2024

Sources: New York Secretary of State